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Author Topic: New Zealand Scraps Foolish Accusal-Disconnection Policy  (Read 617 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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New Zealand Scraps Foolish Accusal-Disconnection Policy
« on: March 23, 2009, 01:24:22 pm »
It seems common sense has taken hold in New Zealand  :-D

Following a mountain of bad publicity and strong objections from just about everyone except the entertainment industries, New Zealand’s proposed ‘guilty upon accusation’ Section 92A anti-piracy law has been scrapped.

In 2008, the New Zealand government passed ‘3-strike’ legislation which was designed to have alleged copyright infringers disconnected from the Internet. Last month a code of practice was drafted by the music industry and ISPs which attempted to formalize how ISPs would go about disconnecting people. However, after much discussion between the parties and outrage in the Internet community, no agreement was reached in the time frame allocated, and Prime Minister John Key announced that the law would be delayed while a solution was found.

Today things have gone stage further. As it became clear that an agreement on a code of practice would not be reached even with a delay, the New Zealand government has scrapped the controversial Section 92A legislation.
"Cabinet today decided that section 92A of the Copyright Act 1994 will not come into force on 27 March as scheduled, but will be amended to address areas of concern,” said Minister for Commerce, Simon Power. “Allowing Section 92A to come into force in its current format would not be appropriate given the level of uncertainty around its operation,” he added.

Back in February, InternetNZ, the non-profit group responsible for protecting and promoting the Internet in New Zealand, called Section 92A “faulty” and “disproportionate and unfit for purpose” but today they are breathing a sigh of relief.

Its great to see that action taken to bring public displeasure with such unjust laws has been recognised and acted upon, I hope this brings renewed confidence in making any decision to protest against such unfair and unjust laws that profit private commercial interest groups at the expense of the rest of the populace.

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: New Zealand Scraps Foolish Accusal-Disconnection Policy
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2009, 03:16:40 pm »
Hip, Hip ....... etc, etc

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