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Author Topic: connection problems  (Read 16895 times)

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Offline Savage Blades

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2009, 11:33:01 am »
Hi Trader
You are using a router and a seperate modem ?
Have you tried connecting pc direct to modem ?
Also try reseting router complete to default..
oh ignore above if using more than one pc on router..
are you using more than 1 pc ??
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Offline trader__2004

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2009, 04:03:59 pm »
yes i have 3 pcs on my network i took my router off also trying to hook direct to the cable modem ..resetting the cable modem and trying to connect to Winmx with the firewall off..with no luck.

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2009, 07:22:55 pm »
DO your other 2 pcs have the same issues or are they still pretty much trouble free? If they seem to have issues too then go to this wwebpage and see if your isp is on this list and as I can tell it kind of gives detailed info on just what they do to interupt or block certain types of connections. Hope it helps.
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Offline trader__2004

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2009, 07:47:42 pm »
i dont see the isp of mine on there no.but yes all 3 pcs has the same problem i use insight broadband cable as a isp.

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2009, 08:08:33 pm »
well i am not saying this is the cause but they do have a heavy fair use policy in my opinion

What is the Insight Broadband High-Speed Broadband Internet Service Acceptable Use Policy?

It is Insight's intent to provide our Customers with the best cable Internet service possible. In order to accomplish this task, we have adopted an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) that is set forth below. This policy outlines the proper use of the Insight Broadband High-Speed Broadband Internet service (the "Service") as well as proper conduct on the Internet using the Service. These policies and use restrictions are in addition to restrictions contained in the Insight Broadband High-Speed Broadband Internet Service Agreement (the "Service Agreement") and any additional Insight policies. Terms provided in this AUP that are not defined herein shall have the same meaning as provided in the Service Agreement.

All Insight Service Customers, Users, and any others who have access to Insight's network, are required to comply with this AUP. Customers are responsible and liable for any failure by the Customer or a User to comply with this policy or any other Insight policies. Small Business Customers are also required to establish and implement internal business practices for its authorized Users requiring compliance with this AUP. Failure to comply with this AUP could lead to suspension or termination of the Customer's account or User access, in additional to any other remedies available to Insight. Insight has the sole discretion and right to determine if certain conduct violates this AUP. If you do not agree to comply with Insight's policies and AUP, you must immediately stop use of the Service and notify Insight.

Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, using the Insight Broadband Internet Service Equipment or the Service to:

i. undertake or accomplish any unlawful purpose; this includes, but is not limited to, posting, storing, transmitting or disseminating information, data or material which is libelous, obscene, unlawful, threatening, defamatory, or which infringes the intellectual property rights of any person or entity, or which in any way constitutes or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, federal or international law, order or regulation;

ii. post, store, transmit or disseminate any information or material which a reasonable person could deem to be objectionable, offensive, indecent, pornographic, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, distressing, vulgar, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive or otherwise inappropriate, regardless of whether such material or its dissemination is unlawful;

iii. access any other person's computer, software, or data without their knowledge and consent; breach the security of another user; or attempt to circumvent the user authentication or security of any host, network, or account; this includes, but is not limited to, accessing data not intended for a User, logging into or making use of a server or account that Customer is not expressly authorized to access, or probing the security of other networks;

iv. use or distribute tools designed or used for compromising security, such as password guessing programs, decoders, password gatherers, analyzers, cracking tools, packet sniffers, encryption circumvention devices, or Trojan Horse programs; port scanning, for any reason, is strictly prohibited;

v. upload, post, publish, transmit, reproduce, create derivative works of, or distribute in any way information, software or other material obtained through the Service or otherwise which is protected by copyright, patent, trademark or other proprietary right, without obtaining permission of the owner; User is also solely responsible for file port security on the User's system, including the closing file ports that may allow unauthorized access to works or material stored on the User's system;

vi. copy, distribute or sublicense any software provided in connection with the Service by Insight or any third party, except that Residential Customer may make one machine copy of each software program for back-up purposes only and one printed copy of Service features for personal, internal and non-commercial purposes and not for distribution to other third parties; Small Business Customers may make one machine copy of each software program for each authorized Users' system for back-up purposes only and may make one printed copy for each authorized User of Service features for internal Service use purposes and not for distribution to outside third parties;

vii. restrict, inhibit or otherwise interfere with the ability of any other person, regardless of intent, purpose or knowledge, to use or enjoy the Service, including, without limitation, posting or transmitting any information or software which contains a worm, virus or other harmful feature, or generating levels of traffic sufficient to impede others' ability to send or retrieve information;

viii. restrict, inhibit, interfere with or otherwise disrupt or cause a performance degradation or manipulation, regardless of intent, purpose or knowledge, to the Service or any Insight (or Insight supplier) host, server, backbone network, node or service, or otherwise cause a performance degradation or manipulation to any Insight (or Insight supplier) facilities used to deliver the Service;

ix. resell the Service or charge others to use the Service; distribute or redistribute the Service through either intentional actions or failure to implement and maintain proper security in a manner that violates this AUP or the Service Agreement; or otherwise use the Service in a manner that exceeds the number of authorized users for an account or that compromises the security of the Service; Customer shall not use, share or otherwise make available, or allow others to use or share, the Service for operation as an Internet Service Provider, whether or not for compensation or pecuniary gain. For residential Users, the Service is intended and may only be used for recreational, residential or personal use by the Customer and members of Customer's immediate household; for Small Business Users, the Service is intended and may only be used for business use by the Small Business Customer and its authorized users within the Customer's immediate business premises. Small Business Users agree not to offer any Insight Broadband Internet Service feature to others as a service or feature of the Customer's business;

x. transmit unsolicited bulk or commercial messages or "spam." This includes, but is not limited to, unsolicited advertising, promotional materials or other solicitation material; bulk mailing of commercial advertising, chain mail, informational announcements, charity requests, and petitions for signatures; The Service may be utilized for certain advertising by Small Business Customers if authorized by applicable law. The Customer is responsible for compliance with any laws, regulations or rules governing Customer's or authorized Users' use of the Service and/or the Insight Broadband Internet Service Equipment;

xi. send numerous copies of the same or substantially similar messages, empty messages, or messages which contain no substantive content, or send very large messages or files to a recipient that disrupts a server, account, newsgroup, or chat service; or otherwise disrupts or interferes with the Service bandwidth, data storage or other Service features;

xii. distribute programs that remove locks or time-outs built into software (cracks);

xiii. run programs or servers from the Premises that provide network content or any other services to others. Examples of prohibited programs include, but are not limited to, mail, ftp, http, game, newsgroup, proxy, IRC servers and multi-user interactive forums;

xiv. initiate, perpetuate, or in any way participate in any pyramid or other illegal soliciting scheme;

xv. harvest e-mails, screen names or other identifiers of others (without their prior express consent) or participate in "spidering;"

xvi. collect responses from unsolicited e-mail; and

xvii. impersonate any person or entity, engage in sender address falsification, forge any other person's digital or manual signature, mislead or misrepresent User's true identity, or perform any other similar fraudulent activity; This section is not intended to prevent use of authorized screen or feature names while participating in online activities, chat rooms or message boards. Any policy set forth by another service provider or other third parties accessed through the Service must be strictly adhered to. This includes, for example, the policies set forth by the network used by Insight to provide you service.

Customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Insight Midwest, L.P. and its affiliates, as defined in the Service Agreement, against all claims, demands, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees and any costs or fees for investigation of such claims or demands) resulting from a Customer and/or User engaging in any of the prohibited activities listed in this Policy or resulting from Customer's or User's violation of this AUP, any other Insight policy related to the Service, or any other third party policies.

Insight reserves the right to update or modify this AUP from time to time, effective upon posting of the revised AUP.



i. Copyright Claims. Insight Midwest, L.P. ("Insight") requires the Complaining Party to substantiate a copyright claim regarding our Insight Broadband service and/or website by providing Insight with the following information in writing to:

Name of Designated Agent: Sherman Hand, Director of Security.

Postal Mail Address:
Insight Midwest, L.P.
10200 Linn station Rd
Louisville, KY 40223

Telephone Number: (502) 410-7145

Facsimile Number: (502) 410-7101

E-mail Address:

The written notice must meet the then current statutory requirements imposed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 ("DMCA")

ii. Procedure. Upon receipt of a notice meeting the DMCA requirements, we will take such action as is appropriate under the DMCA. This may include forwarding the Complaining Party's written notification to the alleged infringer (hereinafter "Subscriber") and removing or disabling access to material claimed to be infringing. In addition, we have adopted a policy where we may, in circumstances that we in our discretion deem appropriate, terminate the accounts of subscribers who are repeat infringers.

iii. Counter Notification. A Subscriber who disagrees with the removal or disabling of access to materials may provide a Counter Notification by providing a written communication to Insight's Designated Agent identified in Section I above. See 17 USC Section 512 for counter-notice requirements.

iv. Notification to subscribers and account holders. It is Insight's policy to provide for the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of Insight's subscribers and account holders who are repeat infringers of copyrighted works, trademarks or any other intellectual property.
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Offline trader__2004

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2009, 12:43:44 pm »
well i have called a few times asking if my service has been throttled down they insure me it has'nt been. i also have a little info off the modem that connects to the router im useing ill post it many someone knows what all this means and maybe could be some help to me.this is my modem that connects to my router ---->CM Hardware Information 
System:  ARRIS DOCSIS 2.0 / PacketCable 1.0 Touchstone Telephony Modem HW_REV: 02
VENDOR: Arris Interactive, L.L.C.
BOOTR: 5.01
SW_REV: 6.1.51D
Product Type: 00000006 010a3aa2
Product Release: 00000002
Flash Part: MX29LV320BTC
Download Revision: 2
Firmware Revision: 6.1.51D
Serial Number: 6BTBMU56S205742
Battery Charger FW Rev: 02.21

 MTA Hardware Information
Mta Serial Number 6BTBMU56S205742
Mta Type Identifier pktc1.0:05220101000201020901010B0A010305060708090A0B0C0C01000D010110010912020007

 Firmware Build and Revisions 
Firmware Name: TS060151D_033009_MODEL_4_5
Firmware Build Time:  Mon Mar 30 17:54:16 EDT 2009
DOCSIS(CM) Events 
Date Time Event ID Event Level Description
6/1/2009 11:16 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing
6/5/2009 12:54 1040200 3 TLV-11 - Illegal Set operation failed
7/29/2009 10:50 20000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
*****  20000400 3 Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, but no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 timeout
*****  8000700 3 TFTP failed - OUT OF ORDER packets
*****  17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing
8/1/2009 12:55 1040200 3 TLV-11 - Illegal Set operation failed
8/3/2009 6:37 20000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
8/6/2009 13:24 1040200 3 TLV-11 - Illegal Set operation failed
8/7/2009 1:24 20000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
8/7/2009 13:11 1040200 3 TLV-11 - Illegal Set operation failed
8/7/2009 13:13 20000400 3 Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, but no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 timeout
8/7/2009 13:13 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing
8/8/2009 13:09 1040200 3 TLV-11 - Illegal Set operation failed
8/8/2009 13:10 20000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
8/8/2009 13:23 1040200 3 TLV-11 - Illegal Set operation failed
8/8/2009 21:06 20000400 3 Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, but no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 timeout
8/8/2009 21:06 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing
8/10/2009 11:29 1040200 3 TLV-11 - Illegal Set operation failed
8/12/2009 7:57 20000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out

Date Time Event Level Enterprise Event ID Description MAC Address Endpoint Name
1/1/1970 0:00 5 4115 7 Voice Line Loop Current Change to High, Line Number = 1 00:15:A2:2D:3F:EA AALN/1:/
1/1/1970 0:00 5 4115 7 Voice Line Loop Current Change to High, Line Number = 2 00:15:A2:2D:3F:EA AALN/2:/
8/10/2009 11:29 5 4115 16 MTA TFTP: Successful 00:15:A2:2D:3F:EA
8/10/2009 11:29 5 4115 3 Voice Line State Change, Line Number = 1, Prev State = OOS, New State = IS 00:15:A2:2D:3F:EA AALN/
8/10/2009 11:29 5 4115 3 Voice Line State Change, Line Number = 2, Prev State = OOS, New State = IS 00:15:A2:2D:3F:EA AALN/
8/10/2009 11:29 5 4115 14 Power Supply Telemetry Log - BATTERY MISSING 00:15:A2:2D:3F:EA
8/10/2009 11:29 5 4115 26 MTA PROV: Successful! 00:15:A2:2D:3F:EA

Offline trader__2004

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2009, 12:45:44 pm »
RF Parameters
  Freq/Power: 597.000 MHz  0 dBmV   
  Signal to Noise Ratio:   33 dB   
  Modulation: QAM256   

  Freq/Power: 29.000 MHz  44 dBmV   
  Channel Type: DOCSIS 1.x (TDMA)   

  Symbol Rate: 2560 kSym/sec   

  Modulation: QAM16   

System Uptime:  2 days 20h:15m:57s
Computers Detected: 1
CM Status: Telephony-AC Power Iso OFF Reg Complete
Time and Date: THU AUG 13 07:44:57 2009 

 Interface Parameters 
Interface Name Provisioned State Speed MAC address
LAN Enabled UP 100 (Full) 00-15-A2-2D-3F-E8
CABLE Enabled UP ---- 00-15-A2-2D-3F-E9
USB Enabled DOWN 12 00-15-A2-2D-3F-EB
MTA Enabled UP ---- 00-15-A2-2D-3F-EA

Offline Forested665

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2009, 08:04:10 pm »
8/8/2009 21:06 17000100 3 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing
Modulation: QAM256

if you wondering what this is you can look here:
for a simpler explaination you can read about AM radio transmission theory this is just a digital non broadcast form.

But it looks like your encryption/compression isnt working right.
not sure how this would allow you to be on a forum and not download though.
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Re: connection problems
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2009, 02:53:58 am »
Ok the only thing I see that you haven't tried or maybe I just missed it is when was the last time you reset your router? It looks like by that log that you're losing signal somewhere and other than suggesting that perhaps there's a line issue or the router and/or modem is going bad, the only other possable thing is reseting the router maybe. I personally am not sure where to tell you to go from except maybe reset the router and set your portfowarding up again from scratch and see if the helps any. Good luck.
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Re: connection problems
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2009, 08:34:52 am »
Have you tried finding out if there's a new firmware revision maybe?

I had a fairly new modem model which wasn't working right once and it just took them a couple of firmware updates to get stuff right.
By then I had bought a new one, but that's beside the matter :)

My ISP had a forum where they'd been giving out beta versions for trials even before the actual updates where released and tried helping people.
If your ISP has something like that it might be worht checking out, it's where I found out that others were having the same troubles as me and it was the modem at fault...
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Offline trader__2004

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2009, 10:54:28 pm »
Hi guys and thanks for all ya'lls help but yup it musta been my isp blocking my connection...i have changed isp and WinMx is up and running great! again.thanks to everyone that tryed to help me out.

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Re: connection problems
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2009, 02:51:35 am »
Very good to see trader and ty for reporting back and letting us know.
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