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Author Topic: Twitter  (Read 10875 times)

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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Twitter
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2009, 12:24:47 pm »
while i could see the community patch users transitioning quite easily the folk i have my serious doubts about.... and they outnumber 'community' as of the last 'headcount' info.... (anyone have any updates on those stats? shall i cross my fingers and knock on wood?)

make the new client name winmx  4
calling it winmx would be 'illegal' ... wanna see why? open your winmx folder... right click the winmx.exe and select 'properties' click the 'version' tab then select 'legal trademarks'...
the text therein -- and i quote verbatim;

"WinMX tm Frontcode Technologies, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED"

translation; the name 'winmx' is a trademark of frontcode and in turn keven hern... the name 'ends' with 3.54b4.. the last version released... (for the epicurious; winmx is short for WINdows Media eXchange... anyone want to get a bit creative with that?)

joined a torrent and had their IP logged
remember the story of the laser printers that were sent legal threats?

Compare this to the 20,000 a week they send out to torrrent users by their own admission.
number of concurrent torrent users far surpasses the number of winmx users....

when was the last time you heard of a WinMX user receiving a letter from the Copyright extremist Cartels ?
keven hern in 2005.... did a great job of crippling things... add to that the sudden collapse of and the DDoSing by mediadefender and it gets worse... not legally granted... but usability wise... (which... isnt that the goal of the RIAA/MPAA in the first place?)

can I suggest the local store ?
can i add (once again -- and completely shameless) and (who needs the recording industry anyway?) and with if you have a taste for it theres an artist there who makes it..... (bittorrent is needed if you, like me, prefer the higher quality ogg vorbis files)

payment method should you wish to contribute funds to the artist whose music you just downloaded for free? ad supported (on site) and paypal donation (on site) or direct to artist via their chosen method on their own sites (should they have one).... its basically the same as dropping change or if you are especially appreciative of the artists efforts 'greenbacks' into an open instrument case...

out of print? check .... it may be in the public domain.... (or at least provide you with some interesting samples and clips for your own creations...)

after some eye candy? (programs that render 3d and 2d eye candy in realtime.... links to divx files are usually provided if your hardware isnt up to par of running the latest creation.... the price? free... they do this stuff just for the sake of doing it.... and winning 'awards' in competitions held in convention halls...) potentially a source for some programmers for a future winmx? (do note the programming practices used in these things are very.... uh... unique.... when you have a 10minute long video of eye candy that comes from a file thats only 64kilobytes in size (that example would be fr-08 'the product' circa 2001) youve got some nimble fingers on the keyboard... give fr-030 a look -and- listen.... singing speech synth and video also in 64kilobytes.... a pop music video with seriously kickass vocals? give fr-025 "the popular demo" a look.... 3d raytracing in realtime without the assistance of a GPU? give heaven7 a look....)

yeah theres an endless amount of stuff out there not just shared by 'peers' but made by them.... just for the sake of making it most of the time....

seriously... try posting in the forums there for advice or a request for a programmer willing to help out... when you have groups like 'f.i.t.' creating cross platform tidbits called 'one day miracle' that were really made in one day youve got some talent to tap into....

NOTE: you -will- run into a few assholes... but thats just par for the ego course of some of them....

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Twitter
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2009, 09:26:43 pm »
We are talking a fully fledged client not a "tidbit". Lets be honest there are a few folks doing stuff in a small way same as there is here, if there was a decent developement group they would have made torrents risk free instead nothing much has changed since Bram Cohen wrote out the original specs, a spec thats publicly aknowledged to be one of the worst in terms of security, as I stated before if folks have money to pay the MPAA extortionists why not buy the DVD etc, btw I dont intend to explain why more folks use something that helps the Cartel extort money out of them or their printer I just know we enjoy the company of folks who have a bit more savvy than many of the run of the mill torrent site movie leeches.

I too ask folks to use free or open src projects Stripes as a quick perusal through the forum will show, but I would still prefer they got their items from like minded friends as opposed to corporate social site entities that make money by using your creative content  etc as per the topic.

On the subject of trade marks you,ll notice the trademark may be a trademark but it may not be a registered trademark protected globally, however I and the rest of the folks here would look seriously at anyone trying to steal the winmx name/brand for themselves, Kevin created both the company and the client and as far as I,m concerened he owns that name and woe betide anyone who tries to jack it from him  :x

Offline birdman

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Re: Twitter
« Reply #42 on: September 03, 2009, 01:31:00 pm »
Of late i have been amazed at how fast news comes out through twitter obviously it depends what sites you choose to follow, your interests and as most web sites have a twitter there is plenty to choose from. There is plenty of p2p news   and torrent news   for example it saves allot of time searching through your fav web sites for new news if you follow them on twitter  you get all the sites updates in one place ;-)

Maybe for those who use twitter we could post some suggested sites here to follow ?

Offline Forested665

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Re: Twitter
« Reply #43 on: September 03, 2009, 08:17:27 pm »
hmm a central place to check all your stuff ....
you could open all the pages in tabs and then click use current tabs as home page all 4 of the major web browsers support this (chrome FF IE and opera)

or we could go a step further and remove the web browser... use an rss feed... but wait thats basically what twitter is...

such a lovely circle, it all depends on personal prefrence
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: Twitter
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2009, 10:32:56 pm »
Unless the Twitter sites are to do with WinMx I would prefer they didnt get posted here as we are a site featuring no commercial advertising and thats something many here respect as it shows our commitment to our fellow users and not "big bucks" as many other sites have been lured into doing.

Enjoy Twitter facebook, or MySpace but please remember this site is devoted to suporting WinMX and WinMx related events and our content is not available on other sites (with one or two "permissioned" exceptions) unless its stolen.

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