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WinMX World :: Forum  |  OpenNap Help  |  OpenNap  |  opennap novice feeling like a mental deficient... resuming incomplete files

Author Topic: opennap novice feeling like a mental deficient... resuming incomplete files  (Read 3504 times)

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Offline circe801

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i checked the three pages of questions in this forum and couldn't find anything  re: this exact quandary...
i just started using opennap yesterday and had to shut down and reboot.  no problem reconnecting to servers, though one says my 'client is annoying and uncool' and they want me to get a new one--so that's just a ploy, methinks, to get me on one they have a vested interest in; a few others say i have to be a registered user and a couple others have me banned for sharing 0 files or something of the sort, but i am actually sharing between 700 and 800, i believe, so that's some weird shit as well.
anyway, the problem is this--the incomplete files--most of them 0 bytes--how do i get them to resume/retry/whatever it is called in opennap??  there is, obviously, no 'find sources now' option as witn winmx incomplete files.  i've tried 'retry', but this doesn't do the trick--it does nothing.
what do i do to try to get these files??  is there something obvious i've missed, do i have to start from scratch every time i need to close and restart winmx??
clearly i have no idea and need your expert assistance, guys!!!

thanks so much--

Offline Joshua203

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well i m not a big time open nap user but since nobody else seems to answer...

in my view winmx is not the best way if you want to use opennap, so the PM you got was a bit rude and lacks info but contains some truth

now i ve tried to que something on open nap to see what happens if after that i close winmx and all i could figure out was .. you need to get back in that same open nap network and then do a "find more sources", i guess if the user is also still there or another with the same file you ll be able to cue it again.. at least that s what happened in my short test

the being  banned for 0 files could be because you are trying to connect to many networks at once wich makes the files upload too slow, try connecting one by one.. maybe it helps
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Offline thunderwinds

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   This is what i do when I've had to reboot before my files from open naps are finished.  I go to the transfers window and load incomplete if they didn't already load, then on the ones labled open nap  only i right click on search for similar. In the search i look for one that matches the incomplete file.  If i know a particular user has a lot of files i would like i will add them to the hot list that way i can open the hot list and if they are on browse them. Requiring the incomplete files from the browse.
   It also helps to make sure your library is completely loaded in mx before joining any naps networks that seems to stop the banning for 0 files. Also some networks only count the mp3 files as the files you are sharing.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  OpenNap Help  |  OpenNap  |  opennap novice feeling like a mental deficient... resuming incomplete files

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