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Author Topic: Is winmx dying ?  (Read 15551 times)

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2010, 05:58:48 pm »
Don't need to be a detective to take a punt at who could be doing that sort of thing or a rocket scientist to realise no mod from here would ever post such a thing lol

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2010, 08:15:00 pm »
I apologise to all who may be alarmed by such messages, I,m happy to confirm they are not coming from anyone involved with operating this site and are I believe simply a return of the idiot who spams rooms and likes attention, we are all decent folks on this site and we know you are too, if anyone comes in your room wearing our room tag talking down to you or is swearing or being abusive boot them out , we do not condone or approve of such activity and we know you all certainly dont.

I hope its clear from this whole topic that we at wmw are not planning to leave users in the lurch or close anything down while there are still hundreds of thousands able to use WinMx, we ask only that you keep your faith in us and we will always in return do our best to keep this network operational for all users.

The word from all those who support the network at a technical level is pretty clear on this, "we are united in support of the WinMX network and we will always do our best to ensure that users are able to use their network", thats the pledge they have kept and will honour.

Anyone stating different is a fraudster.

Offline FM Refugee

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2010, 10:34:29 pm »
...I figured as much...but I thought it prudent to at least bring it to someone's attention... :lol:

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Offline GhostShip

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2010, 11:14:31 pm »
I,m glad you did FM, some folks dont come here enough to know the character of the folks here and may well have been taken in, I was pleased to be able to lay the claimed falsehood to rest and my thanks for bringing it to our notice  8)

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2010, 09:51:56 am »
some thoughts....

People say winMX is slow.. Its only as slow as your own bandwidth, have you got your bandwidth settings open or clamped to a minimum?
People say winMX is dying... has anyone asked the Japanese about this?
People say Torrents are faster.. WinMX is just as fast when you get multi-points going. Why dont you get multi points going? Usually non sharers... (y' know, them things called Leeches)
There are TWO protocols... One is the WinMX file transfer protocol, the other is the User sharing Protocol (also called Good Manners) (Dang, Leeches again)

In short, educate fellow users, eliminate 0of0 hacks, dont share with 0 files users,teach people HOW to share, and to be a bit nicer to each other, and things will be fine. and if someone says 'come to my room to get a start', just a simple answer: No (Theres always another source, oh yes there is...)

On that slowness thing, by the way, someone correct me if I am wrong, but in essence, the file transfer takes place directly between users
The WPN only exists to 'arrange' the connection, allow file indexing and browsing and other parts of the process... if the link between the 2 users is slow, theres ya slow and, if some silly users have simply opened too many slots, dang having 100 slots open might make ya feel good, but the 75 users gettin from ya will feel the pain...

WinMX is NOT dying, I see more in my queues than before, and more sources I am queued on than before...

And if I get dropped off the net, and have to resume, I can resume a transfer from ANY user that has that file... Can the Magickal Torrents machine do that??
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Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2010, 09:53:06 am »
oh yeah, forgot one thing:

Blitzen = Birdman

why give such fools any cred on here?
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Offline Blitzen

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #46 on: February 17, 2010, 10:48:01 am »
I think if anyone is the fool here it is you Bluey, your thoughts on the previous page are simply deluded but of course thats your opinion and your entitled to it. There is simply no competition when it comes down to torrents and winmx. Winmx is dated and until ideas arise to bring it up to speed with todays protocols it will remain dated. I think i could sit here all day and call you all kinds of things but i will not let your pathetic comments bother me in the same way you bothered Raven.

*Edit I just wanted to add iam not anti winmx, it does have some unique features that torrents don`t in the chat and also a good user database of old files that can be hard to find on torrents. With these two features and maybe a better file transfer system winmx could still become one of the best again :)

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2010, 12:13:51 pm »
I rest my case...

If you are so in love with Torrents, why not just go live there...

(No, its not a question...)
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Offline Blitzen

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #48 on: February 17, 2010, 12:58:50 pm »
 winmx   --------->  file ---------> 1000 users with the file -------------------> Join a queue and wait, lucky to get started. But if started by several users can obtain good speeds.
 Torrent ---------> file ----------> 1000 seeds/peers ------------------> download starts right away and complete in hours.

That's the flaw winmx has, as for loving torrents its rather admiration.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #49 on: February 17, 2010, 01:05:03 pm »
thats not a flaw...
thats user selfishness
teach your fellow users to share...

WinMX files also tend to be rather free of viruses etc, Cant say the same for torrents...
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Offline Blitzen

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2010, 01:35:46 pm »
I suppose it could be compared to people who stopped using the horse and cart and instead started to use the car. But anyway i think torrents was brought up as a reason for why (in some peoples views) winmx is in decline i do not see the point of trying to argue in comparisons.

Maybe if people started to block the 0 of 0 hack from their rooms and queues then people will stop using it and thus get everyones queues moving again instead of sitting stagnant with people sat waiting for a start that is never going to come unless they forfil a certain criteria.

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2010, 02:18:22 pm »
the problem is, people wont block the 0-0 hack, because alot of rooms, mostly movie rooms i have noticed, use the 0-0 hack and PM people in their queue to "come to my room for a start" or even "join our room to get a start" (having a tag entites them to a start) or its a case of, you sit there cos i wont start you attitude.

its also the "minimum files or kick" and "no clients" and "must share" rules making it too serious, its not fun anymore.

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Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2010, 02:33:11 pm »
Minimum files is a bit of ignorance in itself, we were all once beginners with 0 files...

i used to wonder why no clients,  until recent spamming activities, all perpetrated by ppl using clients...

Must Share...
hmmmmmmm, if they dont share, what are they doin on a p2p network anyway?
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Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2010, 02:35:24 pm »
birdman, considering most of what you have ranted on with in this thread, i refer you back to another you started...
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Offline Blitzen

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2010, 02:41:35 pm »
That is certainly a few good points there max although in defence of some of the rooms that deploy those tactics of sending messages to people in their queues it is done in an attempt to get more people into their rooms otherwise what would be the point of hosting a room with no users. I guess it is a vicious circle as far as the chat rooms go, not starting users unless they are in your room but at the same time starving users of winmx files. I don`t know how that could be overcome but maybe as regards the 0 of 0 hack  etc hosts could be approached to try and encourage more open sharing although ultimately it is down to room hosts how they run their rooms. It would only take one or two rooms to start the ball rolling and eventually others would follow.

It would be interesting to see a script for mettis to kick the 0 of 0 hack with a pm saying something about winmx is for sharing, then see how many take the script up.

*Edit Just a thought for those who use the 0 of 0 hack it may not just be an act of being selfish but a way of restricting their usage due to the majority of ISP`s in the UK enforcing bandwidth limits.

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2010, 06:40:46 pm »
Restricting there usage due to there lack of bandwidth is being selfish .... if they are prepaired to download then they should be prepaired to share also in equal measure & if they are so worried about there bandwidth or lack of then either stop d/loading/uploading or get more bandwidth but don't leech and use restrictions due to there plan of choosing to justify it.

hmmmmmmm, if they dont share, what are they doin on a p2p network anyway?

You already answered your own question before you asked it

Minimum files is a bit of ignorance in itself, we were all once beginners with 0 files...

WinMX files also tend to be rather free of viruses etc, Cant say the same for torrents...
Winmx has its fair share of crap files and viruses just the same as any other client its all down to the users at the end of the day not the client.... if anyone is daft enough to use any sharing programme these days and not scanning to check out the files they have downloaded they deserve whatever they get.

Personally i prefer torrents for downloading because i get what i want when i want it and in double quick time something I'm afraid in my case Winmx cannot do for me and has not for several years

I prefer Winmx on a more personal level a whole lot more because of the community & the friends i have made over the years & would love to see it hit the highs of the earlier years  & be a part of that once again in whatever direction it may take in the future.

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2010, 07:38:09 pm »
because i get what i want when i want it and in double quick time

this is the concensus among pretty much every entertainment consumer... the tech is there... now the industries (MPAA/RIAA) need to catch up....

...and 200+ deep in queue is pretty much the same difference as waiting for the 'higher ups' to decide when (and if) to deliver.... and if you're like me... and have a dialup connect (due to nothing else being available)... 200 deep is basically useless due to isp enforced session timeouts..... something bittorrent has no problem with... yes the 'magic bittorrent machine' can resume its nonlinear download in such a situation with no problems...

as the crowd on winmx thinned out i was basically unable to download much of anything (most time was spent waiting for files that would only download a little bit at a time between connect resets... at which point i started out at the back of the line again.. or in a queue so deep that the download never actually started).... tho the 0 of 0/MxM leeches had no problem trying to download from me (leechammer and a sharp eye for the new 3 of 3 and 6 of 6 hacks that LH doesnt cover is your friend if you want to share... which gets real old real quick)...

for various reasons winmx is slowly becoming an app either useless or overshadowed by the better-at-transfers tech available.... however... that being said... if you have a few friends on the MX in a room that doesnt mind chat clients... its an interesting place to be... ...everything from dirty jokes and 'bar talk' to deep philosophical discussion....

and of course all that being said... im not putting anyone down.... use what works and is fun for you.... be it bittorrent or MX.... or possibly a combination thereof....

PS speaking of MxM... if you are a dial user and are honest about your connect speed... its pretty much assured that you will get blocked just because of your connection speed.... and if you lie... and have PM turned on... you get cussed at and blocked anyway.... at least this has been my many experences.... (disabling PM cuts the cussing out... but i still get blocked) ...sound like a group you want to d/l from?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2010, 08:17:41 pm »
Perhaps I,m out of the real world loop here I cant say I,m seeing these ques of 100-200 users, lets be honest if its over 30 then dont bother with it as its unlikely to be worth the wait, Just what are ppl searching for that generates ques such as these ?

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2010, 08:54:52 pm »
Anyone with a good collection of movies, tv series or documentries will usually have around 100  people queued on them regular. For me i have over 1 Tb of movies shared on winmx mainly movies from the most recent to some oldies so i always have 100 + people queued on me. I personaly obtain files from torrents and add them to my winmx to share and i think a majority of winmx users follow this pratcice.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Is winmx dying ?
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2010, 08:58:19 pm »
and lots of them are leeches, go thru ur q, check for 0 files, 0 of 0 and 3 0f 3 hacks, etc

if someone is using moni, browse em, ya may find a file ya like, see if the mutual start feature is in use, if not...
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