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Should The WinMx Network Be Split ?


Author Topic: Spliting The WinMX Network  (Read 12838 times)

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #60 on: March 17, 2007, 07:09:39 pm »
 Its easy for those that have the info on the ip's that are connecting to the wpn to say we are growing .We that dont have the inside info would never know. It makes no since for them to say any thing other than we are growing , its in their best interest to.Who wants to move to a dieing network? So just saying its growing does not really make me or many others buy it. All we have to go on is our every day use of the program and ive seen less and less results for files i use to test networks i am thinking of useing.I know this does not tell you how many people are on the network but it tells me how many have files i care about and thats why im useing a p2p to begain with.I see the chat rooms falling off in size and number every week.Not even room filler can hide that.

 Really winmx has gone on longer than i ever would have thought it would after the close.But there has been no improvements to the program and from what ghost and others are saying that are so much more smarter than lowly me there never will be any improvements with people still useing the host file to connect. So in all ways winmx is on its last leg.Dont say it isnt you Km and ghost have allready said there are issues that are needing to be adressed now and are getting worse.Look back over the few threads that have been posting on this  on this forum.

 Im sure your responce will be im being gloom and doom and that i dont know how many are connecting and you do and not to worry its all being taken care of.I may not have the program to tell how many ip's are connecting but i dont need it to see the chat rooms fall off and the numbers of them get smaller and that its harder to find the files im looking for and when i do they are less people shareing them.The only thing we are left to leveave about km not wanting to split off the wpn is there isnt enought users of any one patch to hold a network together and one with out the other would be death to mx.This is what waiting has done i guess,The tame to save mx has come and gone.Now when you post on any other forum about mx all you hear is why go there its dead they dont have the files that so and so p2p has and the chat rooms is just a war zone. They have 2 patches that you have to decide on which to use and then there is the if you use this patch ill not help you . So just how do expect the users that are left here to go and recrute new members with this kind of rep?I saw where someone here has started a winmx links thread there use to be 100's now just look there are maby 4 something is dieing.
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2007, 12:23:11 am »
Its a shame Chuck yourself and Hell are both deciding that me being honest with you is wrong, the statistics are generated simply by watching the amount of users hit the update bars as these are web stats and can be monitored, your welcome to your opinions as always but know the facts dont bear what your saying out.

I dont blame either of you for being concerned over what is or is not happeneing with the network, but please keep one thing in mind, I,m not heading off anywhere and I know of no one bedsides Max who has said they are.
I spoke to Max in PM yesterday and he posted that after having words with another user in the chat room and had shut his room down previously, this then is the fault of anyone else ?

Whilst I urge calm and maybe an increase in quantities of shared content it is plainly the hard core users who when things look bad will be the ones who will restore user confidence, and thats what I can see lacking in both your posts.

Bear with me for a moment, say the sky was falling in and users where leaving in droves, where are these users migrating too ?
So far we have seen 3 major jumps in user numbers each time it was following an announcement of doom and gloom for other networks, people migrate to mx and many will see that we and yourselves are fighting a battle, at the moment I can see we are winning, from the trenches it may look bloody and a mess but the reality is the line has been held and we are all of us looking to launch a counter attack in the form of more publicity, some sort of technical improvement to the client and more "feel good" in the shape of files being shared, I,m concerned you two are not focusing on regrouping and laying the path for our counter efforts as much as saying we have taken some casualties.

My final point is a simple one gents, lets strive to ensure our words are not the cause of any damage to this network that we have fought for together, its not my wish to shoot any messengers bearing views that diverge with my own but dont you both think its time to rally to the flag instead of loading the pistols of the enemy with FUD to fire at us ? 

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #62 on: March 18, 2007, 02:09:36 am »
how can we think about regrouping when the powers that be dismiss out of hand what as it stands 79.2% of people voting are in favour of ?
 OK its not a mass vote but bearing in mind in general the people that took the vote are informed and in a reasonable position to understand the consequences of such action
when you say facts don't bear out what we are saying I'm sorry ghost your looking at stats where i have been observing ,chatting ,& questioning the users and hosts & passing on information as these people see it i have been on winmx for near on five years hosting for best part of four & i can say honestly that during this time i have probably put more effort & time than probably 95% of users of winmx ...... you may question how i can say this but during this time i had a great deal of personal problems including illness & during this time i spent most every waking hour dedicating myself to winmx and trying to make it a better place to recent times my life has took a fantastic upturn and as a consequence i don't have quite as much time as i used to to spend on winmx but i can assure you i still dedicate a great deal of my spare time still hosting ,informing & helping the users of winmx & striving to make it great once again as i am someone that is not interested in going elsewhere if there was no winmx
when you say about rallying to the flag perhaps this might be a little easier to do if the people that can make decisions and make changes offered perhaps some kind of encouragement instead of dismissing the very idea of what people are discussing and appear to want .
I'm sorry but loosing a few users relay is just not a good enough reason to dismiss the idea out of hand of a split as these users have the option to reconnect and could be well informed of what was happening in advance ....its not like there not used to having problems afterall they are using a substandard patch anyway ...... i have spoke to many people that have pie installed and there opinion has been "while it works ok ill stick with it" because they cant be assed to change ..... you could bet your last dollar though if they had no choice they would soon be here d/loading one that did work properly and would last long term and have the possibilities of  technical improvements

I'm sorry that you opinion apeares to be that users like myself max and chuck are being doom and gloom merchants  (i can only speak for myself here) but i can assure you this is not the case it is the fact that we don't want to loose winmx that we speak out in the terms we have & are genuinely concerned for something we feel so strongly about ....if this wasn't the case the above posts would not exist .......they are there because we want the best for winmx for the future & don't want to wait for ever for action to be taken...... having said that i feel this is going to be my last post on the matter as ghostship apart any arguments here seem to fall on deaf ears and decisions have been made and whatever opinion is nothing will change "flogging a dead horse" comes to mind especially when opinions differ from those that can make a difference on here .....something that really doesn't bode very well when digging into those trenches for a battle for the future of winmx as even the greatest of generals listen and concider advice from the mere lower ranks

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #63 on: March 18, 2007, 03:16:06 am »
yup give up also, but only on splitting i still havent stopped on the advertsing, this is a dummy run wid this, i want to get this spread about. My polotics are simple thier aint none, this is soley to get winmxgroup and world advertsied, Im still not getting any positive feed back of anyone so basicly fuck it ill do it on me own.


As for the rooms numbers dwindling, and the users leaving, i see no sighn of this, i can see from my online eye over the last 12 months traffic has steadily rose, and since reopening my room, ive got 25 peeps sat in it now chatting away, was about 27 average before i moved house, and alot of these peeps in their now are new.A room being succesfull boils down to a few things, not just the amount of peple visiting the room, its mostly the content a person experiences when they come into your room. If they walk into a parking lot wid nobody talkig they leave. If the join a mp3 room and nobody has the latest stuff, they will leave to finda room that does. If they are a family person and everyone is swearing and ranting they will leave. These are all the major factors that you sohuld be thinking about

But like i say thier are alot of factors as to why a room may be successful or not, but blaming it on the amount of peeps that come in aint got nowt to do wid it.
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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #64 on: March 18, 2007, 05:01:13 am »
"But like i say thier are alot of factors as to why a room may be successful or not, but blaming it on the amount of peeps that come in aint got nowt to do wid it."

try telling that to good hosts with less users than ever tiny as less users coming in = less people to stay in the 1st place
makes me wonder if things are so Rosy in the garden why do people want a split  ?
why do people want to advertise ?
because if things are on the up surely there would be no need for these things would there ?
we are talking dedicated serious room hosts not just here today gone tomorrow part timers .....hosts that have had good rooms and have seen a decline due to no fault of there own .
I'm fortunate that i have a good reg base and a lot of great friends my posts on here are on behalf of everyone not  to boost my own room numbers ........ i don't advertise my room as it stands on its own merit ...... but i guess what you are saying is its the hosts fault because of how they run there rooms ...... sorry but i don't hold with that argument what so ever especially when we are talking good experienced room hosts who are watching there rooms dwindle through no fault of there own

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2007, 05:16:48 am »
Then you obvoiusly dont know me very well, i have been running a room for over two years now, and have been on mx longer than i care to think about,  as for the advertising i  signed up with winmxworld to deal with advertsing, as thats my role shouldnt i be doing it.

If the room is dwhindling dont sit here moaning about it as you seem to be doing about everything and try a change of tatics. Maybe a revamp of config's in the room's. A nice new MOTD.Their mst be something you experieced room hosts can do. Like i say i ran a room for 2 years, it closed just before christmas as i moved house and had a few conenction problems at the new address, I have reopened the room and again this evening we have been breaking the room number record again, we had 25 people in tonight, and of that about 3-4 where regs from last time including myself, the rest where new people that ive had te chance to meet. So im sorry hell that your room is not doing well but i really cant see the problem that you are pointing to and i think that their isa section for hosts that maybe this disscussion could move too we are disapearing quickly off of the orginal matter
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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2007, 06:00:18 am »
i never said my room was not doing well tiny as if you read my post properly you would see

 "I'm fortunate that i have a good reg base and a lot of great friends my posts on here are on behalf of everyone not to boost my own room numbers "

as for moaning about it .......i was making the point on behalf of a lot of hosts and users but you are assuming its on my own behalf & making it about my room when it isn't mine i am talking about  ......... you can attack me personally idc but that doesn't change any of the points i have been making  isn't this supposed to be a forum to discuss things & perhaps solve problems especially things that are so noticeable of late ?

 also your point about the original Post i believe it was established a good way back that it was a pointless exercise and has been totally dismissed i also see that you strayed off the post by bringing up matters of advertising which i believe there is already a thread open on this matter that has also fallen on to deaf ears.
another point about what you said

"as for the advertising i  signed up with winmxworld to deal with advertsing, as that's my role shouldn't i be doing it "

i never mentioned anything about what you are doing with advertising i asked why is there a need if things are so great...... it was not meant as a criticism it was purely an observation

as you may recall in answer to one of your posts on the subject of advertising i replied if there was any help i could give i would be more than happy to

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #67 on: March 18, 2007, 09:39:45 am »
Rest assured Hell that I have taken the vote on board, it was one of the reasons I asked folks to continue voting to ensure we could see what was wanted by those I do my best to speak for.

Nothing anyone has said in this thread is in vain, and as I have made clear I'm for a split, although it would be a massive undertaking so I did envisage the votes raising on this subject into the hundreds, that would have made things abundantly clear to all.

KM is a winmx user himself, he is entitled to his own opinion and doesn't shy away from discussion if he sees it would be helpful, I'm sure he has some reason in his mind that now is not the right time, infact just looking up the forum it seems he is busy in the vista patch dept along with many of the users, he has done a grand job in delivering what you folks have asked of him, I have confidence in his honesty and skill, he doesn't talk in riddles, what he said wasn't much of a problem but it was how he said it that offended many, this is the guy we rely on to pull miracles out of his pocket that others seem unable to replicate, he is not stupid and will have been reading this thread also, your words will have been read by him and so your point has reached its target, that's the best anyone can do for now don't you think ? 

Tiny I like the idea of your advertising campaign and if you want the job of head of publicity its yours, most of us here have things to do everyday that has meant we have been unable to ever get a massive campaign underway, word of mouth has kept us rolling along and that's been our main src of users.

Lets take a positive out of this thread, users are showing they care and are willing to help in reaching the communities goals, goals set by you all and aimed for by us, if your willing to take on the job Tiny it would be a clear step in showing folks that anyone wishing to help winmx is welcome here and will have our support, that's why we are here, we can only do our best to move on collectively and the more helping, the lighter the individual load.

My apologies to Mac for running off topic completely here but I hope he can see its for a good reason  :)

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #68 on: March 18, 2007, 10:05:49 am »
oh dear,
im away a little while and i pop in to look at the mess,
Hell, thanks for sticking up for the hosts as well as me, its much appreciated,
now i suddenly see more of an argument here than a voting topic, please lets all just get back to the topic shall we?
i know i had my little rant and shout as well, and i did apologise for my ranting earlier, and indeed now again i am sorry for any offence i caused.

now im still here, but there is only two reasons why i am, they are two school age girls from my room, as i run a family room, i protect them from pervs, if i closed who would protect them ???

when i said i was closing they was both in tears, i hurt them and i couldn't bear the fact i made to girls cry, two girls that have done nothing wrong, yet felt like they was punished.

i have a duty to protect these kids and provide a safe place for them, i will not let them down.

so you're stuck with me.

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #69 on: March 18, 2007, 12:09:02 pm »
congrats @ tiny its the people that care about winmx as you so obviously do that makes it  such a great comunity
thank you ghostship for the words of wisdom they are much appreciated & great news from max i will still have someone to rant to in times of need  :P


Offline Zénar

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Re: Spliting The WinMX Network
« Reply #70 on: March 19, 2007, 03:13:51 am »
Big thread here! I've not readed all your posts because I don't really have the time...

I'm for the splitting because I want winmx to be better. WinMX is the best p2p i've used because it's an very interesting program. If the network is splitted, I don't care of loosing users because if they like winmx, they will stay on winmx.

For exemple, if you are hosting your room with 70 users and then you loose your connection, you will loose all these users but when you reopen the room, they all come back. Just because they like your room. To proove it, it's the same thing on my room.

I guess the majority of people are using winmxgroup patch and if a pie user see all these friends on an another network, I think this user will join their friends right? Sriously, I don't use winmx to download but to chat and have some funs on creating programs.

WinMX helped me on two thing... first, it helped me a lot to learn english and after, it helped me to be better at programming.

Split or not, I will choose the better way and where the majority of people will be... on winmxgroup.

I must say I don't really know the side of pie patch but after seeing all actions done by Vladd I don't think he helps on the reputation on the pie patch...

Anyways, I must sleep! Aurevoir all... ;)
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