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Author Topic: unwelcome pests  (Read 31305 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #80 on: November 07, 2009, 07:25:16 pm »
I agree we shouldnt concern ourselves with trivial room drama Omega but I dont think that we should leave many of the chats hosts without help or information if either are available, its not fair or right for a small minority to annoy the majority for no reason other that because they are socially challenged.

And furthers the opinion of other users that Ghostship must be in a relationship with a member from a certain room otherwise this whole debate would not seem to be so one sided.

Keep taking the medication old boy  :lol: :-D :lol:

I must say this has brought a large smile to my face  :-D I wonder what BS is going to be said next by Birdmans friends, one things for sure it certainly boosts the forum traffic  ;)

Offline Stevi

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #81 on: November 07, 2009, 09:54:09 pm »
I agree that we should give advice and support to the room hosts about issues that arise. No network would be strong unless everyone works together.

And about the Birdman thing. OH WOW!!!! I was banned from WinMXWorld Forum. Now watch the news. I will be on it for killing myself!!!! It is not a big deal. Everything in the forum can also be found out in our chat room, and most can be found on the help pages.

I need to keep an eye out on my forum now. This post might make people mad, and I will get spammed. And if it does, it just goes to show that we were right to ban Birdman.

Sorry to everyone, but this whole "OMG Someone is spamming my room, fix it!" crap is really getting on my nerves.


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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #82 on: February 27, 2010, 02:52:40 pm »
oops, more recent and sorted:

*edit: List of IP's removed, see post below - nylly


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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #83 on: February 27, 2010, 03:02:00 pm »
our room normally doesnt ban anyone, but these cloner-spammers are the exception.
I've honestly done my best to keep this list to ONLY the obnoxious cloner-spammers.

if someone screams they got banned, extreme possibility they are one of em.
as a rule, ban by IP# not by name!  banning names only locks out the good people who these cloners are trying to ruin.

Offline Stevi

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #84 on: February 27, 2010, 03:07:29 pm »
You do realize that the spamer(s) use a proxy so their IP changes when they want it to?? Banning all those IPs isnt very smart, as it may block innocent people who get those IP addresses someday.

I suggest using a Metis tool, that is if you are the host, and if not this info can be passed to them. The tool was made by a skilled Metis coder, and it is updated daily with new proxy IPs.


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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #85 on: February 27, 2010, 03:20:27 pm »
yes, but I also remember the cloners yelling it would block people from connecting to winmx, a blatant lie because it only stops THEM from entering chatrooms, not connecting to mx.
that was taken as indicator they were running out of proxies to abuse and panicking.

this list has been VERY effective, and very simple too. sorry about the first 2 posts, the 3rd sorted list being most recent.  (please remove them first 2 if you would)

other rooms may use the list or not, at their own discretion, I'm simply offering help.
ty Omega

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #86 on: February 27, 2010, 04:40:35 pm »
If people use the right version of metis together with Pri's script this will either lock out or boot out any proxy that enters their room :) ive seen it working and using it myself like

Offline nylly444

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #87 on: February 27, 2010, 08:50:14 pm »
All the information about the recent spamming and how to block them is available in our special section for room hosts,
there's no need to put a list of IP's out here in the open.

The list being used by the mentioned metis script is well maintained, i.e. it contains confirmed IP's and gets updated regularly so it won't contain any unused IP's.
Therefore I will remove the list above as it will not be accurate for long even if it is right now and there's really no need to put this kind of unconfirmed information
out there.

If anyone needs more information on this follow the link omega posted or ask us here to add you to the mxhosts section which has all the information about this :)
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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #88 on: February 27, 2010, 10:13:09 pm »
I can understand a bot kicking proxy servers automatically could be handy, but could also auto kick someone on a proxy who isnt about cloning and spamming, so its debatable what is a better method no doubt. there's also a lot of us who are inept at setting up bots (is me also!).

you may have just done a disservice to those who dont use bots, by removing the list, but I also understand taking the word of a "stranger" that the list is legit, isnt the easiest thing to do.

no hard feelings about it of course, its ok that honest help isnt acceptable lol

Offline Max™

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #89 on: February 27, 2010, 10:32:43 pm »
Hiya Spamslapper,
for people like myself that do have regs in my room and they use proxies, i added a usergroup to Pri's script so it wont kick innocent people,

if you are not into metis and its scripts, there is another way, that is to use peergardian and Pri has the same blocklist for that progran,
however, you cant add a group of safe users to peergardian as it is purely an IP blocking program similar to a firewall.

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Offline Joshua203

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #90 on: February 28, 2010, 02:14:11 pm »
if you are having trouble trusting the word of a stranger i can only wonder what server you are using because you seem to be trusting that stranger and in my humble opinion it 's up to the host to learn how to protect their room so in this case learn how to handle a bot ...or just accept a nasty visit once in a while :suspious:
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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #91 on: February 28, 2010, 05:50:41 pm »
There are plenty of tutorials on the site and a wealth of experience from the users of this site who kindly answer all bot questions and share scripts for anyone who requires there not knowing is no excuse at all  :whistle:

Offline Pri

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #92 on: March 03, 2010, 02:13:10 am »
I can understand a bot kicking proxy servers automatically could be handy, but could also auto kick someone on a proxy who isnt about cloning and spamming, so its debatable what is a better method no doubt. there's also a lot of us who are inept at setting up bots (is me also!).

you may have just done a disservice to those who dont use bots, by removing the list, but I also understand taking the word of a "stranger" that the list is legit, isnt the easiest thing to do.

no hard feelings about it of course, its ok that honest help isnt acceptable lol

The reason that Omega removed your post is because although the IP's are accurate at the time you posted them over time they will not become accurate anymore. The IP's in your post will eventually not operate Proxy Servers anymore and then normal users on the service providers that distribute those IP's will get them. Which means in a few days, weeks or months the list you posted will no longer target proxy servers and will instead be targeting innocent users. You can't update your post later on down the line and other hosts may continue to use the list even when it is no longer useful for the blocking of Proxy Servers.

As omega showed I have a Metis Script and a Blocklist that I distribute with the script for hosts to use. But if you want to use your own blocklist with that script you are welcome to do so it includes a command (!setdownload [Link]) which lets you specify any blocklist you want instead of using mine. That way you can be assured the IP's in the list are to your standards. And to be honest I highly recommend others to consider doing there own lists and releasing them as the more lists we have the better the entire community can be served.

When I first started this list the Spammers did go from room to room spamming warnings about how the list would block legitimate users from the network and stop them from being able to talk in there chat rooms etc but as you correctly stated that was just them running scared as in-fact if you employ my blocklist (via the Metis Script or Peer Block/Peer Guardian) it has become incredibly hard to join your room under a Proxy.

I do understand that people have a fear when it comes to blocklists. For example there is always the legitimate concern that the maintainer of the blocklist could go rogue and put IP's in to it that are not Proxy Servers and are instead perhaps people he doesn't like on the network to diminish their experience on the network by restricting which rooms they can access. So I just wanted to bring this up because I would never do something like that with my blocklist. From day 1 I've only ever put Proxy Servers in the list and I will continue to do that. If people spam without using a proxy they won't be in this list, if people get banned in my room for breaking my rooms rules, they won't be in this list. And I also want to assure people that my blocklist allows me to remove an IP that has been previously added. So if for any reason an IP of a legitimate user is blocked (For example if a user ran a TOR exit node for a few hours but then stopped) I can send out an update to the Scripts and the Peer Guardian / PG2 users to remove the IP from there local cache of the blocklist. Any 'mistakes' made can be completely undone and pushed to all users of my blocklist in a few hours.

Another concern is obviously if this Proxy Blocker is very successful it will make using Proxies for everyday use by normal people difficult on the network. This is also a serious and legitimate concern. It is one of the reasons I provided a Metis compatible version of the blocklist (originally I only offered the file for PG2/Peer Block which blocks at an IP level similar to a firewall) as if you have users who regularly visit your room using a Proxy you can simply add a usergroup as Max has done to whitelist them from the blocking procedure. My personal opinion about Proxy use is its only acceptable in 1% of usage scenarios and that 1% is when your ISP and/or government is either blocking your access to WinMX or snooping on your data. In 99% of circumstances I believe that using a Proxy is not acceptable as when you join my room you don't have any rights as a user, you have connected to me, are sharing my bandwidth and participating in my room where I make the rules and provide access on my terms, people who want to join anonymously mean I lose the ability to ban that person in the event that they break any rule(s) and that is not the type of power I am willing to yield to just anyone.

But this ^ is just my personal policy, it is not something I dictate others to do or expect others to want to do. I provide the tools (all open source btw) to others so that you can use them as-is or you can modify them to fit your specific needs.

As I wrote before on this board I am willing to offer free hosting to anyone that wants to maintain a blocklist of there own for use with either my script or just Peer Guardian / Peer Block or for there own programs. Already Niko from the 'Movies n Beer' room has taken me up on that offer and is currently delivering her own blocklist for her room members to use to block tag stealers. Here is a link to her Blocklist hosted on my website:

She has full FTP access to that directory and can add, remove or update her blocklist at anytime she wants without my intervention. Just PM me if you have a blocklist you want to distribute and I am happy to host it for you if you need free hosting for one.

Offline MinersLantern

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #93 on: March 07, 2010, 06:56:10 am »
Oh boo-hoo.
I dl the current exit nodes from the tor network here and there once in awile and they dont get the access to speak unless their not from any current exit node ips. Been doing it for months. Works flawlessly. As in 100% chance the person is a spammer. Screw this idea of everything must be absolutely perfect in all situations or any dreamed combination of what 'may' happen. In the real world, tor is ungodly slow. There is no reason to use it at all except to hide yourself and (quickly) spam. The thing is too laggy and unstable to (oh I dont know.. download files) or even have a stable connection to the wpn.
That leaves only one reason to be on tor. Spam.
BTW. When my bot bans and drops them they (for some strange odd and bizzare reason) have simalar usernames.
Coincidence??? I dont think so.
'Free speech' is fine and dandy. IF tempered by common sense.

Offline Pri

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #94 on: March 07, 2010, 10:59:15 am »
If you viewed the TOR network as often as I did you would know that 200-300 new IP's come online on TOR per day. There is usually only 600 to 900 IP's on TOR active at any one time meaning around 66% to 33% of the IP's the spammers can use are brand new each day they attempt to spam. This means you need to update it frequently or you might as-well not be running anything.

Offline Mytheroo

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #95 on: May 14, 2011, 02:32:43 pm »
could metis be programmed to remove voice from proxied users, thus removing the room spam, but leaving the PM ability. That user could be private messaged with instructions on how to get voice back etc. I realise PM spam would still be an issue, but i find room spam 10x worse than PM spam. 
If you did it this way genuine proxied users wouldnt get kicked automatically
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Offline ~*~SELENA~*~

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Re: unwelcome pests
« Reply #96 on: June 28, 2011, 10:56:45 am »
I agree we shouldnt concern ourselves with trivial room drama Omega but I dont think that we should leave many of the chats hosts without help or information if either are available, its not fair or right for a small minority to annoy the majority for no reason other that because they are socially challenged.

And furthers the opinion of other users that Ghostship must be in a relationship with a member from a certain room otherwise this whole debate would not seem to be so one sided.

Keep taking the medication old boy  :lol: :-D :lol:

I must say this has brought a large smile to my face  :-D I wonder what BS is going to be said next by Birdmans friends, one things for sure it certainly boosts the forum traffic  ;)

ok you caught us happy now? sorry ghost they got us now they all know (is so trying not to laugh while typing this)  Actually all joking aside ghost is very happily single fyi and not messing around with anyone, as one of his closest friends i'd have to say i couldnt resist jumping in on that and making a funny, we all need a good laugh now and then. LOL!!
you will remember me as ~*~SELENA~*~ in 2005 on this forum....Room Owner MUSIC @ ThE Studio
 Long live Karaoke Colors (ex admin), we miss you Ele!!!

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