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Author Topic: Maggot Mentality  (Read 8791 times)

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Maggot Mentality
« on: September 16, 2006, 11:34:22 am »
qoute from dragonrider from the maggot forum as of today

Sounded more to me like questions from a horse's ass, just an idiot making up bullshit by taking statements out of context... but then isn't that the way that all WMW members operate. Their calling card seems to be deceit, trickery, slight of hand, and of course we can't leave out site crashing. Sounds like the type of people I would trust to automatically update a .dll that I didn't know what the update contained. I imagine next you will be screaming that someone prove that you are intelligent enough to make up the above post...I don't believe that I will try to offer that proof, personally... I think that you are too stupid to pour piss out of a boot, even if the directions were written on the heel.......

interesting.............please state day time when winmxworld have been involved in deciet, trickery, slight of hand, and site crashing..............

pie well not even pie as pie is jim gem and sabre since they have both patch, cache and website...........

vladd and his band of morons have nothing no patch no cache ,but do have a scam they are not pie, but getting back to the ever increasing accusations being levelled by nobby vladd and co-horts, but as usuall fail to present a single piece of evidence to support these claims ,despite being requested too on many occasions........nobby has produced a obviously self addressed email to himself,as any correspondance i have with my isp comes on letter head and signed by someone in charge, not the joke email nobby produced as his  undenialble evidence that km and winmxworld attacked there websites, dont know about any of you but i saw no such evidence in that email.............

but addressing dragonriders accusations,sorry to rain on your parade dragon but it is vladd nobby kayleigh etc who have confessed to lieing to every pie patched user,,,,,it is these same people who denied users information, decieved them into thinking that runing pg2 makes them safe on the winmx, when everyone knows including nobby that pg2 doesnt work,and is only marginally better then no blocking at all..........and yet all over vladds website they continue to promote pg2 lite with blocktards list ROFL,,,,,,,,,,,idiots you admitted that pg2 dont work,and yet you continue to promote it with probably the most inaccurate blocklist in blocktards that is avalable ( yes we checked its accuracy and its appallingly inaccurate) who is engaging in slight of hand now.
but your biggest crime is your maggot leaders continuning attempts at scamming ppl  first with pay for winmx adds and now a paypal button that has hads more excuses for it then dragonrider has brain cells,,,,,,,,,,,,,
even jim gem and sabre were so appalled at vladd they wanted him to step down,,but like the egotistical control freak that he is he got rid of the only patch and cache that they use (another brain dead mistake by the maggots).................

so before you want to make accusations at ppl you better have some real evidence to back up your claim/////////afterall it is vladd nobby etc who have confessed to lieing denying and decieving plus scamming,so your word aint good enough.........and the kind of evidence thaty i or anyone else would expect to see are firewall logs packet captures whois reports trace route reports screenshots..etc etc etc ...............afterall all this should be avalable since you were attacked ,or were you ,............its a long stretch for anyone to believe that for 3 days that the sites were down that no one not even your isp got even a single ip from this attack...........
and as for winmxworld engaging in the activities that dragonrider claims know were to find us if you would like to discuss anything...........we have nothing to hide.............after al winmxworld arent the ones who confessed to lieing denying decieving and scamming.....................

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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2006, 03:32:38 pm »
so they are not pie, but getting back to the ever increasing accusations being levelled by nobby vladd and co-horts, but as usuall fail to present a single piece of evidence to support these claims ,despite being requested too on many occasions........nobby has produced a obviously self addressed email to himself,as any correspondance i have with my isp comes on letter head and signed by someone in charge, not the joke email nobby produced as his  undenialble evidence that km and winmxworld attacked there websites, dont know about any of you but i saw no such evidence in that email.............

More Bugtard lies, and deception:

#1 I have NOT accused anyone of attacking me
#2 I have simply accused 14 of sanctioning action, the evidence is on this site, i need not add to it
#3 Why would my ISP write to me when it was not my personal connection that was attacked, but that of a hosting account
#4 All correspondance with my hosting account is transacted via email, its common, you really should check your facts
#5 If i provided screen shots and video of the "attacker" initiating the attack it still wouldnt be enough for Bugtard, hence i will not bother
#6 Interesting several follks leap to defend WmW and KM from alleragations i havent yet made, perhaps they have a crystal ball or perhaps there is something there that needs defending?

Nobby - awaits Bugtards next lie and false accusation post......  :shock:


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2006, 04:24:13 pm »
nobby, as you have replied to bug, that would indicate that you were able to read his post

care to give us a translation?

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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2006, 05:04:25 pm »
lol i got the part where he made up stuff about me, the rest lost me a bit, although i think i am begining to understand how he writes such posts, he seems to be using a type of encryption R23-2984alpha, or as its known to the common man by its project name - Complete bollox



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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2006, 06:24:12 pm »
which part was that?


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2006, 03:07:21 am »
and just what part do you find encrypted nobby...........or is english beyond your limited comprehension ?.......................
oh i know which parts you find hard to understand.....................

evidence to back up your claims of being attacked...........
the fact that YOU and the rest of what was pie lied to every pie patch user................
the fact that YOU denied these same users vital information on how to protect themselves and this network.....................
the fact that YOU decieved users into thinking that running pg2 protected them and the network.................
the fact that YOU have openingly supported vladds attempts at scamming winmx users.....................
the fact that YOU continue with deciet by susgesting to users that indeed you are working or have commisioned a patch and that users should contribute finacially to this even thou YOU have said this patch is free..............
the fact that YOU have stated that vladd has COSTS associated with running winmx,and yet when asked exactly what costs vladd has that is associated with winmx, you have failed to answer, dont you think nobby that if people are being asked to  DONATE they have the right to ask what the donation is for.................
that YOU continue to insinuate and slander  km, and that he  has done all sorts of things including taking over winmx users machines for ddos attacks, but you provide nothing to backup your claims.............

time to put up or shut up nobby, one final time, PROVIDE SOME EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR CLAIMS................
but since your a self confessed LIAR AND SCAMMER, i wont hold my breath, that you could provide anything other then more
lies and excuses for being a sack of shit..................

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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2006, 07:15:13 am »
evidence to back up your claims of being attacked...........

You wouldnt accept any evidence in any case, why would i waste my time.

the fact that YOU and the rest of what was pie lied to every pie patch user................

I have done no such thing, in fact i recently told several users the only way to remove fakes from their searches was to use the .dll, go look for yourself on vladds.

the fact that YOU denied these same users vital information on how to protect themselves and this network.....................

I have denied no such information, in fact if you want to look back i have already provided evidence of your inaccuracy. In fact my outspokeness on this topic couldnt be much louder

the fact that YOU decieved users into thinking that running pg2 protected them and the network.................

At the time i was recommending PG2 it WAS the best way of protecting the network, at a later time km added the blocking to his .dll, this is only a better method for those who are happy to run this patch.

the fact that YOU have openingly supported vladds attempts at scamming winmx users.....................

As you are not in possesion of the facts, your claims are nothing more than speculative. I do NOT support any scamming, on Winmx or anywhere else

the fact that YOU continue with deciet by susgesting to users that indeed you are working or have commisioned a patch and that users should contribute finacially to this even thou YOU have said this patch is free..............

Again, you dont have the facts, the fact is, i have commissioned a patch, it does cost, the patch is in my possession. I have NEVER said users "should" contribute anything, thats way its called a DONATE button, its a users choice, please try to keep up.

the fact that YOU have stated that vladd has COSTS associated with running winmx,and yet when asked exactly what costs vladd has that is associated with winmx, you have failed to answer.

Please see previous answer.

dont you think nobby that if people are being asked to  DONATE they have the right to ask what the donation is for.................

I couldnt agree more, my advice is and always has been, if a user is not happy with the information provided on ANY site, they should not donate, although i must remind you, i have never asked a user to donate.

that YOU continue to insinuate and slander  km, and that he  has done all sorts of things including taking over winmx users machines for ddos attacks, but you provide nothing to backup your claims.............

I have made no such accusations and therefore am not likely to provide any proof, as for insinuations, KM's friends are doing more than a good enough job of suggesting KM has done wrong, i really dont think i can better them. As for slander km, lmao, if km has a problem with something I have said about him, he can come and discuss it with me, he is a big boy,  who the fuck are you anyway? His minder?

Now quit whining Bug and move on, i am frankly bored of listening you spout the same BS over and over and its boring having to keep correcting you with the same facts, move on.


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2006, 08:50:21 am »
awwwww poor lieing evidence as usuall nobby for anything you say .........your accusations are baseless and you have no evidence hence why you present none,
you were asked to provide real evidence to support your accusations........i saw no firewall logs no screen shots no whois no trace route reports no nothing, whats wrong nobby your happy to go around mouthing off, but when asked to produce evidence you present nothing but hatched sentnces taken out of context from the original postings and have nothing to do with your accusations.........
so once again you have been exposed as a liar, a deciever, and someone who actively supports scamming of winmx users...........
do you have no shame..........or are you one of these people that are compulsive liars, if so go seek professional help for your obvious condition...............
so just to remind you nobby..............
but ya know what nobby you and vladd and the rest of the maggots that hang in the v channel aint worth a tin of shit, you have no patch you have no cache you have nothing to offer users except lies and are of no consquence, pie is gem jim sabre as they have the patch and the cache that are pie.................


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2006, 12:59:08 pm »
At the time i was recommending PG2 it WAS the best way of protecting the network, at a later time km added the blocking to his .dll, this is only a better method for those who are happy to run this patch.[/color]

there are even posts this year where you have told users that rubbish, so claims that you stopped doing so as soon as I released my patch are complete rubbish...

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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2006, 02:04:50 pm »
but ya know what nobby you and vladd and the rest of the maggots that hang in the v channel aint worth a tin of shit, you have no patch you have no cache you have nothing to offer users except lies and are of no consquence, pie is gem jim sabre as they have the patch and the cache that are pie.................

#1 thats a lie, we both know who the self confessed liar is, your confussed, it is ofc you.
#2 Please prove what information i have personally denied users.
#3 PG2 remains the most effective CURRENT method of blocking for hosts file users that i am aware of
#4 As you have no evidence of a scam and you have none of the facts you can simply stating the opposite of my actual stance does not make it so
#5 I have never accused KM or WmW of a DDOS attack, although i have accused both of sanctioning and supporting the "action"
#6 More Bughunter lies, we have no patch THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT, we have no cache THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT, does not mean they dont exist merely that you dont know about them, but then ofc, you dont know your ass from your elbow, so i expect little but unfounded lies and abuse.

And to KM

Actually you misrepresent what i said, as of this moment PG2 is still the most effective method for Host file users, its less than ideal, but it still is CURRENTLY the best option for host file users, unless you know of something better for non- .dll users?


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2006, 02:47:52 pm »
I think i'll do this post in 2 languages so it can be understood universally

bug version:

maggot!.... pie maggot stealing from users and taking money for things you don't pay for!!!.............. you are maggot..... maggot maggot maggot........................ nobby you and your lover vladd have been shown for the liers that you are.............. you maggot thieves............. maggot maggot..........

english version:

so you are saying that currently peer guardian is a good idea for users of the pie hosts file? perhaps you should try installing it on your computer and using that hosts file and see how well it functions - go on give it a try... please let us know how well your winmx connects

(btw for those who are not aware, bluetack seem to think winmx is an anti-p2p application... but then nobody ever claimed they had a brain between them)

and actually you did state i added blocking after you have been telling users to use peer guardian - "at a later time km added the blocking to his .dll"... the blocking was added very shortly after initial release, if you remember it was only a few days where users had huge delays connecting as secondary, after a few days the connection times got to be more acceptable - certain people claim this was due to cache updates, however no updates were performed on the caches at that time, it was down to there being blocking in my patch... all of the time that users have been able to connect as secondary it has been a result of this blocking, so I'm not sure how you can claim blocking was added after some suggestion of yours... you still continue to tell users to use peer guardian... which btw makes use of lots of oh-so-evil .dll files, just like winmx does, omg how evil, it's a conspiracy, even microsoft are on on this evil using .dll files thing!


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2006, 03:24:54 pm »
well he is a lieing scamming maggot.................whats wrong with the truth.....................
2-3 months ago nobby posted repeatidly that pg2 doesnt work for host file users, but now since there promoting pg2 with blocktards list pg2 is somehow better and works .............lmfao................for a start blocktards list is inaccurate only includes known riaa ip ranges and has the odd dynamic................but more importantly like bluetac,s list it blocks more legitamate users then riaa, so right off the bat its a looser, then you couple it with a hacked up version of pg2 which you have stated doesnt work, but now somehow it as km says and install it....................
you could also use hollow life version of the dll...........but you also claim that the dll is illegal, so that option is out the door..........

you quoted.............
evidence to back up your claims of being attacked...........bughunter

You wouldnt accept any evidence in any case, why would i waste my time...........nobby

how do you know this nobby since you havent provided any evidence for anyone to examine..........
if you were attacked for 3 days as you claim you must have bundles of evidence,so why wont you produce it ?????...............

you have made very serious accusations that km and or ppl associated with winmxworld attacked you.............surely its only fair that those that are accused should see the evidence of this attack....................

all that this refusal to backup your claims shows is that once again you are lieing, and decieving users that winmxworld and km are bad they go around attacking ppl and rooms............
honestly nobby you should take a step back and re examine your position..........because your looking like a lieing scamming maggot................

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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2006, 03:51:51 pm »
KM u still misunderstand, i am not for 1 moment suggesting it was my idea for u to add blocking i am merely saying PG2 was and still is the best form of blocking using the WmW list, although i dont have alot of faith in it, this is why i went and found someone to write a better solution, as soon as its available it will become a much better solution that PG2.


I have made no such accusations, i have repeated my accusations many times now Bug, please go read rather than simply making it up as you go, i did also suggest its likely KM knows who initiatied the DDOS attack, that is simply an opinion based on KMs own posts, i need not provide evidence for such a suggestion, as it is just that, a suggestion and not an accusation.

Bug, im bored of listening to your lies, in the most unpleasant manner, please go fuck yourself you lieing POS.


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2006, 04:30:15 pm »
do you now deny making accusations and  and insinueating that km and ppl associated with winmxworld attacked you ............
so you were lieing again.............hence no EVIDENCE, and now denials of insinuateing and leveling accusations @ km and winmxworld..........even thou everyone knows that you have..............another LIE exposed..............

and you tire of this nobby because you LIE.........and dont like it when people pull you up for it.........
just like your scam.............we all there is no patch,your just a scammer, oh but wait thats right your great saviour of a patch is pg2 lite with blocktards you neither commisioned or paid a single cent for any part of it since its FREE...........but then as you have stated repeatidly pg2 doesnt work...............or is that another lie......................

and nobby if you dont like being ripped apart and made to look like the village idiot........( which by the way isnt to difficult )........then dont visit here and post lies denials and deciet and worst of all your promotion of your scam for paypal................

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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2006, 06:41:25 pm »
lmao Bug, more accusations from you, with ZERO evidence to back it up, put up or shut up dick head.


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2006, 11:14:20 pm »
im not the one making accusations nobby or insinuating that ppl have attacked me...........
your the liar here........your the one making accusations, but not providing a single shred of evidence to support your claims.............
you just dont like it that your scams and lies have been exposed and refuted as usuall.............
your the one running around mouthing off that you have been attacked....................EVIDENCE FUCK WITT..................
provide some evidence to back up your claims..................but we all know yopu cant.............there is no evidence because there was no attack.................
whats the matter nobby.............why do you find it so difficult to present evidence.....................
because you have like a typical maggot you run around mouthing off,,,..............but guess what nobass no one is listerning to you...............simply because your a self confessed liar and have no patch everyone knows this..........its coming upto 2 months since the splitt of the maggot pie team , so where is this patch nobby,doesnt take months or weeks to make a patch.................just another maggot lie,to go along with the rest of your maggot lies................
and id be interested to know what cache you think your going to connect to sabre wont allow you to connect and neither will lol maggots going to have to make a cache for there patch ROFL..............and just who do you think is going to download and install a patch from self confessed liars and winmx scammers................answer no one.................your finished washed up, the community knows full well you vladd and the rest of the sacks of shit that hide in the v channel are liars and scammers..........
so you see nobass no matter how you try theres no escaping that YOU ARE A SELF CONFESSED LIAR AND SCAMMER OF WINMX USERS.............
congratulations nobass.................your stupidity is now legendary, your lies exposed and your attempts at scamming helpless winmx users thawted................
so another maggot lie exposed,there was no attack
and funnyingly enough nobass no one as usuall posts in your defense, figure it out......................

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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2006, 08:17:57 am »
Why would anyone post in my defense, i have nothing to defend, the only accusations levelled at me are those that you make with no evidence and nothing to back them up, so i dont see why anyone would jump to my defence, as your allergations are rubbish and usually so badly written most cant be bothered to even read then, and you have  no credibility here on this site, or indeed anywhere in the Winmx community.

You should also choose your comments about V44 channel users more carefully as many of your "buddies" often frequent the channel including Neutron, KM, Omega and no doubt others, ofc that is until recently when i have been booting them on sight. In fact KM was a reg in the channel before me, im sure they are all delighted at your comments about them.


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2006, 12:46:17 pm »
ROFL.........what do you mean you have nothing defend...........are you totally disllusional....................
1....your baseless accusations that km and or winmxworld ddossed you.........yet you have provided no evidence to support this.......
2....your open defense of vladd scamming winmx users......... with pay for winmx adds and a paypal that is a scam...............
3....your continuall lieing to winmx users regarding hosts files as a connection method..............
4....your continual deciet to pie users by pg2 lite with blocktards and or bluetacs blocklist as a method of blocking riaa,even thou you   have stated repeatidly that pg2 doesnt work for host file users..............
sure looks like you have alot to defend nobby................but then your a self confessed liar and scammer..............who lives in denial about his actions regarding pie patch users and the winmx network....................
we wont even mention your supposid patch, nealy 2 months now since pie splitt over the paypal button scam...........or are gem jim and sabre liers too nobby, so were is this patch,oh thats right its coming, and so is christmas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

so nobby would seem your doing your normal conduct of lieing denying deciet and if you dont think you have anything to defend you got rocks in ya head oris it just thin air.....................
and remember the topic of this posting is maggot mentality, thanks so much for proving my point......................


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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2006, 02:56:31 pm »
In fact KM was a reg in the channel before me

but i thought you didn't lie? well then i guess i must ave mis-read that? what is that if it isn't the lie i read it as?

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Re: Maggot Mentality
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2006, 03:02:12 pm »
KM, the very first day i arrived in Vladd44 channel you were in there, and was in there fairly regularly until the little disagreement u had, you remember when you fucked with his site the first time?? I am also well aware from the many quotes you have sent to me from the Vladd44 help channel you also visited there pretty regularly, and up until quite recently you spent plenty of time sitting in v44 as Falsified alias, you may be hostile towards many there, doesnt change the fact your visited regularly.

ROFL.........what do you mean you have nothing defend...........are you totally disllusional....................
1....your baseless accusations that km and or winmxworld ddossed you.........yet you have provided no evidence to support this.......
2....your open defense of vladd scamming winmx users......... with pay for winmx adds and a paypal that is a scam...............
3....your continuall lieing to winmx users regarding hosts files as a connection method..............
4....your continual deciet to pie users by pg2 lite with blocktards and or bluetacs blocklist as a method of blocking riaa,even thou you   have stated repeatidly that pg2 doesnt work for host file users..............

Bug, you truely are an idiot, i will answer your points, 1 by 1, just 1 last time:

#1. I have made no such accusations, therefore i will need provide no evidence
#2. I dont need to defend vladd as he hasnt done anything wrong, and as i have access to the facts and you dont, i cant see how its possible for you to do anything but guess.
#3. Hosts file is a connection method, i dont see how i can lie about that.
#4. pg2 lite isnt even a product, please make it clear wtf your talking about. I have never said PG2 with bluetacs list is a reliable form of blocking, in fact i think many of those lists are simply too long and cumbersome, i have always said PG2 with the WmW blocklist is the way to go, until ofc something better for hosts file users comes alongs, i suspect that will be very soon.

Now, if your gonna level some real accusations at me, go right ahead, but by YOUR own terms, please provide the evidence.

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