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by telling lies about your list being more accurate.
@G/¥\Á Tîñý4èvå [W/¥\W even if you would tell your IP, it would be useless to hosts patch users. None of KM's caches gives a proper connetion to those users.
@ KMI've made my points and you undermined and still are undermining the efforts of the hosts patch users to block flooder by using peer guardian, by telling lies about your list being more accurate.
@bughunter, if you would try to put a little more effort in reading posts and writing some understandable english, thereby would say some sensible things and not type like a parrot in a zoo, I might take the effort to read what you have to say.
Of this topic and as for the server, the new beta patch loads the channel list in 2-3 seconds by dling from ure primry and the peer cache, does this work with the new software or is it just the one u have KM, was just wondering if this had been looked over maybe as i assume the beta will make it past that stage at some point in the future, and if its just one or 2 servers running the support for this feature will they handle the traffic from every WMW user running the new patch, i know this is prob abit off yet but was a thought floating threw my mind
KM, you very well know what a hosts file does and you also very well know if a non dll user tries to get connect information from your caches all he/she gets is useless information.
If the winmxgroup blocklist is included in the bluetack update, you can add any list, local and by url, I don't see why i should miss any of the flooder IP winmxworld includes in their bloklist, in fact, there is much more blocked than "adviced" by winmxgroup.
What harm will that do?
As said before, If the bloklist is changing every 5 minutes, I would beleave it would be very good, but, as I have noticed and mentioned before, in spite of my efforts to update much more often than once a day, day's go by with no updates on the winmxgroup update list. It seems to be not so very dynamic after all.
Tiny read my posts more closely, a plain hosts patch user cannot connect through your cache, even if you would like it.
A few random people who don't knw anything about winmx or how it works think that running peer guardian and using their huge block lists is a good idea, Those who actually know what they are talking about state that it is very bad, and that the winmxgroup patch is very helpful to the network
KM if you just would stop twisting my words and make them look like lies, I did not say I'm an expert
I do not use the search function in WinMx, There are better ways to find the files, which does not mean I have no interest in blocking flooder.
It seems obvious to me that I know as much as Ome_Leo does so why would I ask him?
It has to do with attitude, history and most of all the incompleteness.
If i am wrong please do not edit my post correct me