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Author Topic: Maintaining an accurate blocklist  (Read 2488 times)

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Offline 7

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Maintaining an accurate blocklist
« on: October 04, 2005, 04:05:45 pm »
Hi, if you folks are interested in maintaining an upto-date blocklist (one that should be largely effective) just visit my site in future.  Make your own mind up as to whether the addresses listed are valid or not (there's a few stale dynamics that need taking out generally). Thanks. (updated for as long as I can be bothered to).

It's my opinion that your offensive is already doomed to failure if you're not prepared to do what needs doing (keeping an upto date list) in order to defend the primaries running WinMX using the DLL fix.  I offered my help though that doesn't seem to have changed anything (looks like my efforts have been ignored as the list hasn't been updated even days after reporting addresses).

Nothing personal, but a waste of my time... :/

Offline GhostShip

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Maintaining an accurate blocklist
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 04:51:11 pm »
7 , much as you feel your input was ignored etc thats not really the case.
It has been explained to you that we needed to have some proof for ourselves that those addresses where indeed flooders and we have given our personal assurances to other sites that all IP,s we block would meet that condition.

Some of the IP,s you have given are confirmed as flooders and have been added to the list so I,m sorry you feel ignored.

I,m sure you appreciate we would be irresponsible to just add numbers to the list when we have only had the pleasure of your company for less than a fortnight.

Heres my peace offering on this, find someone on one of the existing sites I can speak to who can vouch for you and then I,m sure your lists will receive a more smooth passage to the larger one, you have not been ignored and we feel sorry you feel frustrated, but work like yours is valuable so please hold on a little longer and aid the cause.

Offline 7

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« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 05:23:25 pm »
Thanks for replying, Ghostship, I'm sorry it had to come over that way (like I'm ranting).

I don't mean to cause any problems, I hate stupid fallouts, but just feel that the work I've put in has been ignored.  I suppose that's probably incorrect, as you've said, and that it's possibly just down to the fact that no-one really knows me.  I would have thought that the site was a dead giveaway that would help appease people's minds, but, I don't really know anyone in the community as I don't tend to use the chats much so really cannot say how much weight that has.

My only concern is for the health of the network.  I don't care for status or expect anything in return at all (I prefer to remain in the background).  It's just that I'm quite aware of how the fakers operate, and the damage they cause, having observed them for a long time.  It bothers me that user's primary connections are being abused by these companies, which also kicks-back on all users of the WPN, including myself (DOS).  For all the fixes I've seen out there I had high-hopes for the DLL because it attempts to address this issue.  The blocklist I've seen on this site is the best I've come across anywhere, though, I'm aware that a blocklist like this needs constant attention to remain valid as IP addresses are liable to change frequently.

I just wanna see this DLL make a difference.  I guess there are issues with knowing who to trust, and I understand and agree with your caution, though I would hope that any information I gave would quickly prove itself.  Simple logging should positively (or negatively) identify the information I give fairly quickly I would have thought (logging here suggests so, though I don't know what systems other people are using for detection).

Anyway, as I said, I don't want to rant, or cause argument, but I can't prove myself as trustworthy in any easy way I don't think, and find the lack of updates to the blocklist a bit annoying as I don't believe it should take a long while to verify addresses received (given a nice system of detection & identification), so every minute/hour/day that passes the fakers get to exploit to WPN, and its users, more and more until somebody does something.

OK rant over now. ;)

The addy I gave is as upto-date as I can possibly give so, with any luck, that might prove more useful for you folks rather than me having to pester people. ;)

Cheers. :)

Offline 7

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Maintaining an accurate blocklist
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 05:57:20 pm »
P.S.  put your feelers out for;

Code: [Select]
38.113.255.* psi
213.52.222.* globix / not seen since 2005-10-03

a few other dynamics may be inactive by now (i need to check through logs for last seen dates)

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