That is a fake file you have downloaded. I myself have downloaded many of these before becoming wise

. Now keep in mind when you download....
for audio files of 128 bitrate.. 1mb = approx 1 min or so.
Most files are not less than 1.5 to 2 mb. See the track size(in MB) to the length(in min) ratio. If it is between 0.75 to 1.3 then it's probably alright. If not then it may fake and is almost surely when the ratio is less than 0.5. keep in mind it's for 128 bit.
To prevent this, use -c: -user in the second line of all your searches. This keeps the fake files out. For more details, read some of the other posts in fake files
for video files of 640*320, 1 min is approx 10 min. The ratio of size in mb to time in min must be more than 8 and no upper limit. Use peer gurdain for preventing this and don't worry about the file. Just delete it and continue to use Winmx.