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Offline GhostShip

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2006, 05:24:09 pm »
I was just confirming to yourself Bearded that not only is there no public co-operation there is also no private co-operation, nor is there likely to be any as stated above.

A shame as you say but some folks do not want and never have wanted dialogue, only to act unilateraly for their own benefit, we at least have taken the path of the greatest good for as many users as we have been able to.
The good news is we will never close our doors to individuals who either want our help, or want to help us help users, the policy is simple " if you think we could do better then chip in and lets make it happen", this offer is and always will be open to winmx supporters from anywhere, this site is here soley for the benefit of the users. (ok a few chocolate bars where killed in the making of the site but they dont count )  :)

Thats a great offer Faithless_Sniper all help is welcome, could you pm me with a list of your talent or things you feel comfortable in doing, I dont wish to lose anyone by putting them on a job they wont like so let me know and I,ll find something that will suit your skills whatever they are and maybe a few other jobs you might like to take a stab at  :D

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2006, 06:27:18 pm »
Much as I think the lack of dialogue (public or private) is a real shame, I've seen how the situation arrived where it is (at least the public side of it) & can understand why you've given up trying..... I lack the diplomacy & patience to even try & fear that in your place I'd have used short words & given up way sooner.. I'm no diplomat.
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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2006, 10:28:04 am »
they being pie started this with there shamefull oct meeting, where they were going to rid winmx of the dll and km.....split the wpn etc etc everything about pie it was all bullshit......we control the wpn....they have neither removed the dll or km from winmx, and in fact it is km who props there one and only sad cache server up on a daily basis..........they have been exposed for running pay per view sites masquerading as winmx help sites.......and of course there lie , deny, and deceive policy has now come and bit them on the they have now admitted that not blocking riaa was a big fuckin mistake........thou as usuall they have failed to address the problem of tens of thousands of users who they deliberately allowed riaa to access and harvest there short pie are insignificant now........and we simply dont need to have anything more to do with them,so there is no need for any dialogue......
any bridges that may have existed were well and truly burnt by pie,s arrogant attitude.......they have no one to blame but themselves....... will continue to lead and be the best source of information for the whole community at large , to provide the tools and necessary information all users regardless of political or patch preferences need in order to both protect and to get the best out of winmx.......
there is no shame in the fact that no one from winmxworld has any meaningfull discussions with fact quiet the opposite is true....that we had the conviction to know that we were right and that pie were only dead wood......and we the whole community included simply dont need them....................

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2006, 02:13:53 pm »
Sticks and stones............ :roll:

Offline GhostShip

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2006, 12:00:17 am »
We have seen similar on the site you support Nobby , lets not be disingenious.
we after all never encouraged flooding of the network and we dont see why we should keep clearing up the messes made by those who where and are too proud to seek advice and knowledge.

Put your own house in order before coming here to cast your words, at least folks can do that here, something your supported forum forbids.

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2006, 04:16:10 am »
I have a question for Nobby

How can you guys be a help forum if you delete users posts?

That is just something I am stumpped on.....Please clarify.

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2006, 07:04:42 am »
We have seen similar on the site you support Nobby , lets not be disingenious.
we after all never encouraged flooding of the network and we dont see why we should keep clearing up the messes made by those who where and are too proud to seek advice and knowledge.

Put your own house in order before coming here to cast your words, at least folks can do that here, something your supported forum forbids.

As you well know Ghost, i campaigned within Pie from the begining to get blocking measures in place, i put forward several plans, for various reasons they were rejected, either way my conscience is clear, and as such, my house is in order and always was, PG2 or Sherwood, or PGlyte as always been in operation on the pc's i control. I also worked hard to keep the 2 teams civil and working to a common goal, true, i failed, but again my conscience is clear, i was one of the few who tried, before being dragging into the arguements myself.

As for your question Omega, it all depends to what you were refering, at Vladds forum we make no secret of posts being deleted, meds ads, porn links, etc etc we get ALOT of those. There have on i believe 2 occasions during this period been instances of other posts being removed, 1. Coal deleted a load of his  2. Love misinterpreting Vladd instructions removed a few, this was a mistake, nothing more, although it must be said the posts removed were not posts from users seeking help. At no time have genuine posts of users seeking help been removed, on the contrary, they get answers fast and for those that are new, they get one on one assistance in the helproom with their problem. If you spent some time in the  multiple help channels you would very quickley see the huge scale of the operations in them, i wouldnt even begin to try and gauge just how many users have been helped there, but lets just say, its a very significant number and many many folks have worked very hard to help ppl.
I hope that clarifys the matter for you, should you need any further clarification, please feel free to ask a more specific question, if i can answer it i will.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2006, 07:38:43 am »
Nobby I know of at least 12 deletions not including the day 8 posts where removed in a few hours immediately after posting, perhaps you dont know what goes on  ?
My posts where removed by myself after a few where tampered with by some parasite there, I cant name names as no one there had the balls to own up.

But dont worry Nobby I and the rest of the winmx supporters here dont care how you play childish games there, we get annoyed with lame excuses from folks like yourself and the rest of the pie leadership who took no action to halt the assisted network flooding for 4 months and defended those asking more users to do it, while attacking this forum that lead the way even before the crash in asking folks to do their bit with blocking them.

Hey its about time you got amnesia again isnt it ? :roll:

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2006, 08:50:13 am »
amnesia, no i remember oh so clearly, there is only 1 person to blame for this whole sorry mess, it was your choice of tactic, to take an aggressive stance over issues, outspoken is one thing, you were down right abusive and often misguided, you seemed to do your best to alienate folks, split loyalties, create a chasm,  your purposes would have been much better served showing a little diplomacy.
Diplomacy on your part, would have prevented the splintering,
diplomacy on your part would have held together your credability as the man to shape the path for Winmx,
diplomacy from you and you wouldnt have been in a help room shouting and overpowering users trying to seek help,
diplomacy from you wouldnt have pushed vladd to the point of banning you,
diplomacy from you would have seen you head and shoulders above the flaming and leading by example,
diplomacy from you would have stopped many getting involved in a childish squabble,
diplomacy from you and we might have been able to forge a framework where km, sabre, ranma etc could have cooperated more,
diplomacy from you would have meant many many users wouldnt have wasted a whole lot of time fighting,
diplomacy from you would have seen more users on winmx at this point,
diplomacy from you would have minimised the flooding as a whole,
diplomacy from you would of meant a better winmx for all, and your undoubted talents shaping the whole of winmx rather than just your now little corner, if you could have just held your temper together and not run a mock for those few days then this convo wouldnt be happening, do i blame you for everything? No, do i blame you for alot? yes, but not malicously, just simply in pity, had you been able to show a little self control to add to your other undoubted qualities and enthusiasm, then Winmx would be a much better enterty today. And when i think back to your early bouts of public anger although i tried very hard to apease you and calm the situation, you seemed set on creating a riot, congratualtions you succeeded, but for all your public displays and comments i know deep down you regret many of your tactics as i do beleive you do care about winmx and we both know the time fighting wastes, Just MHO ofc

You can slate me all you like, my consceince is totally clear, yours however cannot be, you had the ability and the opportunity to make the WHOLE of winmx a better place not now as just a bit part player, you blew the chance, and Winmx has paid a price for that, how dearly? we will never know...... such a shame, i say none of this in malice as i have moved on from that, i say this with genuine disappointment........

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2006, 09:12:11 am »
Thread locked and moved to the cesspool, oops we don't have a cesspool. :lol:

Offline GhostShip

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2006, 09:18:59 am »
So its my fault Vladd ,Gem, yourself, Sabre,SubHuman Bob and Jim took no action to halt the flooding ...I see  :roll:

I wiil not let you forget your lack of action Nobby and if I get run over by a truck trust me there is no shortage of others who feel the same and will remind you in my stead.
Your team preffered a pissing contest, telling your rank and file that KM was the enemy and a danger, when in fact he is doing more than any of you to hold the network together.

My disappointment started months ago when nothing was done when it should have been, that is a disappointment you will share with me Nobby, because your team and refusal to take action made a monster we are still fighting today.
Do what you wish on Vladds site where you cannot be challenged or called to account, this free speech area is alive and well and I think if your looking for fallen idols look closer to home to those who refused to unite the community despite being asked many times and by many folks to make the effort.

My mistake in this affair is simple, I trusted Vladd, for that I apologise to all users regarding the ensuing forum fighting, I should not have done so.

WinMx will move forward Nobby, Its not anyones to play god with, certainly not myself, I do my bit here and am happy to have done my bit when called upon.
I suggest you do the same next time your called upon to put matters right.


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2006, 10:06:58 am »
I wiil not let you forget your lack of action Nobby

You see Ghost his is the whole problem, your quote above suggests i did nothing, and thats a total lie, the problem is, you expected me to take control of websites and chat channels i had and still have no control over, if an MP wishes to lobby his government over something, he speaks up, he speaks to other MP's he drums up support, he speaks to the PM, etc etc, He does NOT, break down the door to #10 and attempt to take control of the country over 1 issue, that will just see his removal from the position he holds and his ability to affect change. This is why your so pissed you were in a key position to affect change and you blew the chance, Winmx's loss.

This is simple, i promoted Blocking and a fight back against the Riaa from the word go, i discussed the issue with you many times before you came off the rails, i promised you i would continues to bend ears and gain support, i did this to the max,  to suggest i did otherwise is a LIE, your problem here Ghost is i didnt have control over the Pie Sites or room, i dont apologise for that, as that is out of my control, i did what i could, it took longer than ideal, but i got a result in the end, if you cant see that and prefer to Lie about it, thats up to you.  Now be  a man as i have in the past and apologise and withdraw your Lie.

Thread locked and moved to the cesspool, oops we don't have a cesspool. :lol:

lmao, nice one p2p  ;)

Offline ..Ñøßߥ..

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2006, 10:18:07 am »
Anyway, enough of this silly bickering, i wont give in to Bughunter AKA Icedragon AKA Flamekings, constant attempts to start the fighting and bad publicity again for Winmx, as a self confessed liar and a person who has made his agenda to turn folks away from winmx with his own brand of bad publicity Icedragon shouldnt be allowed to gain a foothold and begin further counter productive spats.

If Ghost retracts his Lie, then thats the end of it, if not, he can brand himself with Ice, either way i wont play ball for Ices anti Winmx cause, he already enjoys the contempt of many of the community, i wont allow him to continue to spread the bad will through me.


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2006, 10:40:26 am »
How about you just stop complaning and do something about it.. all i been hereing is nobby this nobby that i dont care what this is about.. so stop wasting simple time safe ur breath for something else its funny i thought computers where ment for fun and enjoyment peeps like u make it seem like its a just stop no one honestly cares!!!


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2006, 11:24:44 am »
ahh spoken like the true village idiot that you are nobby..........self confessed liar......really, trouble for you is which bit was the lie....
if like ghost speaking the truth is a lie then so be it...........
defending the indefensible as you do regarding pies lie deny and decieve policy is a disgrace........
you will get no appology from ghost that i can assure you of..........
you like your masters have been exposed for what you are, and i will have no problem with regulary reminding users who truely have the best interests at heart........and those that seek to exploit users for pfofit while exposing them to potiential law suits from riaa and there associates, .............
pie have done nothing of any good for winmx or the you have done nothing regarding the flooding issue......or the thousands of pie patched ( VOMITS ) users who logon to the network totally oblivious to the fact there ip is being harvested or that there helping the flooders or the fake files...........
and as for incurring the disdain of the community you mean i get up the noses of pie maggots then i give a fuck about anyone or anything associated with pie...........
you will be hearing from me village idiot........get used to it ...............


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2006, 11:57:31 am »
lmao and im the forum idiot so deal with that too lmao """bug speaks like a true village idiot""" i thank u!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Offline GhostShip

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2006, 01:09:21 pm »
I have to laugh at your cheek Nobby not only do you not apologise for taking part in an attack on winmx in general by supporting an anti winmx agenda , you think you can just casually visit here and try to erase your wrongdoing by pontificating over who the winmx community backs, you have a deluded outlook to be sure.

I got a suggestion for you if you feel I,m wrong, prove your case here with posts from vladds that show how you bent over backwards to take action and notice of something you knew to be the right thing to do, because no one here remembers you doing anything until the heat was turned on you, no one at all.

You have sat at the head of a team that has done virtually nothing to help winmx but add your names to other folks efforts, get down in the mud with the rest of us and pull your weight, before all respect evaporates or is this the way you handle things still ?

Its tempting to treat you like you treat everyone on Vladds you fear, banning you and editing your posts but the folks like a spot of entertainment from pie trolls.

Hey I got a plan that a guy Nobby told me "Go post on your own forum", yeah I know, sounded lame when he said it....


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2006, 01:59:22 pm »
wow nobby can u feel the pressue already the prof is right there it must really feel weired sitting there at Ur desk reading these posts... man i could think what Ur feeling now and just that stomach feeling of confusion " or however u spell it lol spell checker" this is fun to me I'm gonna sit back eat a snack and watch!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #38 on: March 23, 2006, 04:30:33 pm »
Its the usualy Ghostship cleverly worded BS

You just posted a bare faced Lie about me, which is it are you a liar or are you gonna apologise and retract the lie?

Further to this, please show the evidence for the following statements:

- that i "attacked Winmx"
- that i "supported an anti winmx agenda"
- that i have done any "wrongdoing"

As far as posting comments i have made on Vladds site to defend my position, as you WELL know during the early weeks of the shut down, most of my communication was between the likes of you, KM, mehere, Vladd, Gem, Jim, etc etc most of this was in pm on site or via msn, this was for a reason, as you clearly dont recall but i will remind you, whilst YOU were hell bent on showering Winmx's recovery with bad publicity, i was busy behind the scenes trying to get the damn house in order, and i admit, i failed to acheive that and you won, well done, your Winmx smear campaign was expertly handled.

If you wish me to post excerts from my private logs i shall do so, i seem to recall several ty pms from you 1 in particular sticks in my mind, thanking me for preventing you becoming a megalomanic. For those that dont know:


   1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
   2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

Looks like i failed again Ghost, i only temporarily halted your slide to megalomaina.........

As for this:

Its tempting to treat you like you treat everyone on Vladds you fear, banning you and editing your posts but the folks like a spot of entertainment from pie trolls.

Again please show me your evidence, because i have never deleted, banned or editing anyones posts on Vladds forum. As you will know, all i have ever done is move threads to the relevant forum, the same cannot be said for here as i have been threatened and then banned by you specifically, for what reason i am still not sure, but hell you treat me a the sacrafical sheep anyway, creating lies about me, i guess u figured banning me, would some how make you feel better or take some sort of a pot shot at Pie, i hope it worked for ya. The theme here all along is not my actions Ghost but yours, although i have no doubt certainly early on you intentions were spot on, your methods of achieving your goals, sucked.

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #39 on: March 23, 2006, 06:08:42 pm »
And so it go's on!!!!!!!!

I sat back in september 2005 and read this same crap!!!

I sat back in November 2005 and read this same crap!!!!

I sat back in December 2005 and read this same crap!!!!

I sat back in January 2005.......  Hell you get my point.......

When we going to get past this?

Nobby you know for a fact Ghost does what he feels best for WinMx and i back him 100%....
You also know i dont come to vladds site and slate the pie patch over the dll,
Now for awhile all had been quite and people had been going about doing what "EACH" felt was best for Winmx.
I vote you all go back to doing the same things and let good old father time solve this issue over fixes for Winmx?
Pie is a workable fix for winmx IF promoted correctly with the right programmes to help my it a "safe for the network" fix
Dll is a workable fix for winmx and theres "NO" need for other programmes
Save Winmx and forget the war of words.....
Nobby you have your site you support
We have ours
The users will decide in the end   not some little bitching contest......

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