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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #40 on: March 23, 2006, 07:19:19 pm »
I agree with you Mac, as i often do, but while your casting your mind back, recall someone somewhere made some comments about one of Ghost creations, Ghost didnt like this, and much as i pleaded with him to deal with the matter privately, he set about mounting possibly the most damaging public campaign to Winmx since the shut down, all in the name of Ghosts damaged pride. Now when ihe comes out and LIES publically several times in one thread, im yet again supposed to be the bigger man, well no, not this time, Ghost i will ask you directly for my interest and that of the many good users which of these two catagories to you fit into????

1. You made some misguided and inaccurate comments about Nobby, you may have little time for him, but your a big enough man to admit when you made a mistake.


2. You are happy with the LIES  you have told

Which is it Ghost? 1 or 2 the users have a right to know the kinda person they are dealing with, as you like to preach yourself.

As for why this has started all over again Mac, thats easy Bughunter AKA Icedragon drags this all up at around 2-4 weekly intervals, im surprised none of you have noticed the self confessed Liars deliberate attempts to start trouble in the Winmx community. The reason i continue to post is simple, Ghost has lied about me, i wish him to now make his position clearly known, Liar or just got it wrong?

And i will take the no doubt 2nd impending Ban form this forum for no aparent reason as the actions of a liar covering his tracks.

Mac, i have no doubt whatsoever Ghost does what he feels is right, its his methods that have concerned me in the past, until now, when what he feels is right is the opposite to the truth, i hope he rights this wrong and ends the matter, sadly i doubt he will.

And yes Mac for the record, i have often made very positive comments about the .dll and KMs effort again, his talent and ability is not in question, all i have done in the past is question some of his methodology. I have also many logs and records of me offering both Ghost and KM any possible support i can, including language translations, and other resources i would happily of diverted KM's way, but i respect his "Loner" style.

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #41 on: March 23, 2006, 08:35:18 pm »
So its ghost who now has to say he was liein and say sorry?
I recall not to long ago lies about ghost on Vladd's site to which he got no one to say sorry to him either....
I just dont get it ????
For a few weeks all is quite and now all out war again    how? why? where? when?

You see what i mean???

You want ghost to admit to lies and apologise...

It reminds me of a little joke....

Wife...Do i look good in this?????

Man.....ummmmm if i say yes i am lien , if i say no i am in the doghouse.....

Its a no win situation

Ghosts admits he lied and you then blast all over vladds that ghost is a lier and post links for all world to see

Ghosts says it The truth and all you do is call it clever worded bullshit

That to me is a no win situation.....

You know as well as me Nobby words a banded on these forum's and sent from one to another to another   and so on,

Why dont you just quit with the personal crusade against ghost and stay focused on pies own goals????

Why do you continue to be drawn into a war of words?

Hell heres a lie for you......

TheMacDaddy is a multi millionaire      A sex god      Wants to rule Winmx     
Pick any one      all are lies     but its not going to do any harm to me....

You see at the end of the day we can all be called lier's and admit or deny these lies as much as we wish     no one cares!!!!!!!

Your average user cares about this


We need to educate these people n how to keep connected and how to help stop flooders and fakes from the network

If we go and say use dll cus the pie team lie
If we say use pie cus the dll team lie

The users says  f/u i will use what ever i get to work and not give a damn about anything else....
So i guess what i am saying is FIXES    LIES     RETOLD LIES        BENDED TRUTH     DELETED POSTS     CESSPOOLS     and anything else i may have missed dont matter to a person who uses winmx   

What matters is how they connect and how they get there files

Theres nothing else.
And it really is that simple....

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #42 on: March 23, 2006, 08:55:51 pm »
And thats the difference Mac i wil honour my word as i have done to Ghost befoe, if he apologies for the Lies, i will stick to my word and say no more about it, if he doesnt retract, i wont threaten, i wont post links, i wont rant in chat channels, i wont post petitions, i wont bring Winmx months of bad publicity, i will just go about my business, but either way Ghost will be exposed for what he is; a liar, or a man who made a mistake, thats his call.

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #43 on: March 23, 2006, 10:54:27 pm »
There is a difference between myself and Nobby, I will do the right thing even if it does not benefit myself, such as allowing him to post here.

Nobby you have called me a liar and tried to perpetuate more lies such as not knowing the reason for being banned from here, you know full well you where banned for 2 weeks for calling Me_Here a liar, you seem to make a habit of it.

I have asked you to prove to everyone that you did not stand in the way of our anti flooding work along with your pie collegues, you have provided nothing here yet , unlike Vladd I set no time limit or threats and I wont ban all pie folks out of a petty agenda to attack another site, so as already stated prove your case.

When you do so we will talk again.

I have much work here uncompleted Nobby and much as I enjoy pointing out the well known facts I must not allow you to disrupt my work here, so please put up the evidence or stay silent, and perhaps make it relevant to the time frame involved, not after I asked publicly on the other forum and was attacked for it.


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #44 on: March 23, 2006, 11:25:37 pm »
well said quicks.....unlike pie who bring nothing to the table and offer nothing to winmx or the community in general.....we at winmxworld and especially quicks do have work that benefits the whole community to do.........
pie have done nothing since the crash except become agents of riaa......helping them in their harvest of  users ip,s , flooding of the network with udp attacks and of course supporting them directly with their fake files....... and then to add insult to injury profiting from users seeking help.......and pie dare to susgest that their helping winmx.....YEA RIGHT.......

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2006, 12:37:33 am »
TY Nobby  :D

That about clears things up

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2006, 08:16:09 am »
Remebering what section this is I whipped up a small mood lightener, well for me anyway  :D


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2006, 08:24:56 am »
since that was absolutely nothing...........what was it again that he actually did..........besides use up valuable oxygen breathing................

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2006, 10:32:17 am »
Fair enough Ghost, you have made you position clear, you are indeed standing by the Lies you have told about me, you just slipped into the same Liars catagory as Icedragon, and thats a shame, but you made your choice.

As for my "standing" in the way of the Anti flood campaign, as you well know, i made a promise to you personally to lobby the pie team from within to get the issue dealt with, it took way longer than anyone had hoped, but eventually the profile was raised sufficiantly, i stuck to my word, to suggest otherwise, is yet another lie.


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2006, 12:26:49 pm »
yes nobby is one of the pie fools that has damaged the network, however to be fair the only reason you're having a go at him is because he is the only one posting on this site, there are many other pie fools that should be being called to account for their actions before nobby as they have done nothing but harm, at least nobby has made a few gestures in the right direction (although still didn't do much, but at least made a few gestures)

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2006, 12:57:42 pm »
Nobby old bean I suggest you get down off the high horse and face reality for a few moments.

You did take the time at some point to say you would do your best to help this sites efforts, this was however after many acrimonious exchanges on vladds site, where you took no effort to see reason along with others,

I also had Jim tell me the same thing, and vladd has since claimed to be all for it along, Sub Human Bob declared his pro stance early so I can count on it not being him who blocked the effort so let me see who in the pie team is left to face the users ?
(Answers on a postcard to Vladd folks as he was the guy in charge not myself as Nobby seemed to feel in his last few posts.)

So lets see ,,, if you want to play drama queen Nobby go ahead I have no time for those who want to whine while others continue to do useful work for the community.
You have been offered cordially the opportunity to prove your credentials and seem to be more interested in whining about how you have been wronged, myself and the users dont actually care about who where and when , just what Nobby , what have you done for the community that makes you feel your word is worth anything.
Much as you dont like my ways I have a good track record, lets see yours .


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2006, 01:22:56 pm »
ahh km as usuall you are correct, so may i susgest the maggot known as nobby go back to his masters pay per view site and all the pie maggots can sit there and rot together, whinning how the nasty winmxworld lot are doing them wrong........
since very few are visting let alone posting, perhaps the maggots can click on there masters web page adds to at least prop up his failing income........and yes there are many of the pie maggots that should be held accountable for their actions or lack of them.....but some how i seriously doubt they have the backbone to actually face up to the community and explain why for four months they lied denied and decieved every pie user with promises of a legal blocking system, while all the time continuing to expose users and the network to riaas activities......and after four months what did users get....peer guardian two  with winmxworlds block list ......well fuck me......isnt that what was offered four months earlier and we were told to fuck off.......even according to nobbys own words blocking of riaa and their activities wasnt a high priority for the pie team,he had to raise the awareness of riaa within the maggot team......
dunno bout you lot but its pretty obvious the pie maggots are sadily out of touch with realities of winmx.......or is it because the head maggot doesnt even use winmx so is obilvious to whats going on......or most likely was to busy watching his bank balance grow as of course the more disruption there is to the network the more unsuspecting users will visit the pay per view site so propping up a certain bank balance....................

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2006, 02:46:49 pm »
So lets see ,,, if you want to play drama queen Nobby go ahead I have no time for those who want to whine while others continue to do useful work for the community.

ROFLMAO........Coming from Ghost the biggest Winmx drama queen the community has ever seen thats rich...........i really must dig around for the room log of the day you visited vladds channel and threw a Queenie fit, ignoring mine and several others polite pleas to take your rants elsewhere as you were literally preventing users from getting the help they needed to get re-connected.

Ofc your memory Ghost is both short and selective, last time you were "wronged" we all saw one of the most damaging Winmx publicity scams ever seen, still luckily the high percentage of users werent coming to see your hompage handy work.

As for the Liar Icedragon, well, i guess thats enough said, who beleives the words of a Liar anyway?

ty for your comments KM i think?  :?  Yes in the early days i worked very hard behind the scenes facilitating all sorts of information exchanges, i also spent alot of time recruiting users to help the cause, and indeed provided all sorts of ideas and support for various team members and projects, but i dont need to justify my actions here, and yes i probably do come under more fire than most because im prepared to put my neck on the line, answer Q's, address issues and right wrongs, so fine, shoot me down for that if you choose, but im no Liar, which is more than i can say for some here.

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #53 on: March 24, 2006, 07:55:56 pm »
Attacking this network is the charge Nobby , by your own words you have made the case of your guilt.

Folks, I have asked Nobby 3 times to provide something to back his claims of not being a member of the anti winmx pie team that attacked this sites server, this forum and many of the members here for asking nothing more than why they refused to provide anti flooding advice.

The pie team and its head have yet to apologise for their actions, let them be judged for that alone.

For those that like a good mystery story today the winmxworld chat room was attacked for the first time ever, a coincidence ?

We think not.

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2006, 08:40:41 pm »
Its no lie Nobby that you are part of the pie team is this true?
As a member of this team do you not take any responsibility for its action or inaction?
You cant answer the first one with a 'yes' and answer the second one with a 'no', which is what your trying to do Nobby. 

You want to say 'well pie did nothing for months, because nothing was good enough, (even though you wound up using basically the same solution we asked you to in the first place), but thats all ok cause i asked or begged'.

No one here feels sorry for you Nobby that you begged and pleaded for blocking, because the end result is what we care about, a almost crippled network due to the decisions made by pie in the name of users  :roll:

Now you want to come here and twist something Ghost said about the lack of action by the pie team, and you and say its a 'lie'.  Its only a lie Nobby if you are not part of the pie team so which is it..

Your only a pie team member when it suits you to do so.  You lack the concept of collective responsibility?

I blame the pie team for many bad decisions:
Dont share files
Block secondaries
Get rid of the dll
Change the name of mx to something no one except vladdamites have heard of
Dont tell users about the flooding or blocking them
Ban everyone from the site so we dont have to listen to them tell us to do the right thing.

Your part of pie? Then I blame you personally and collectively for the messes made on this network.

Our advice has always been the same, share files, get connected, block the riaa, and enjoy.

If you cant take the heat of the choices you made dont come here looking for sympathy.. you wont find it with me.


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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2006, 09:26:51 pm »
what lie are you referring to nobby....nothing i have ever posted is or was a lie......if you are referring to camilles posting on your pay per view site that masqarades as a help site then show me the lie there too......after all have you and the maggot (pie) team not been destroyed....there is almost no pie team......your collective credibility has been exposed for all to have non....the head maggot now hides with no backbone to face the community he and you collectively so let down with you lie deny decieve policy....your forum is pathetic me_here handles more quieries in 10 minutes from users then your forum does in a week.....your room is only full of a few misguided individualls all running multiple bots to prop up the numbers...ya really would be better off with joshs room filler.....and as for your help room ROFLMGDFAO i have endless logs of the so called help you lot dish out.......not sure what is the biggest joke......if thats what you call help then carry on  PMSL....and as for that moron sabre running round like chicken little crying the sky is falling...opps i mean there are no primaries what a fool and you believed him.....a simple message to either km or quicks would have told you there was no problem with the primaries....but like the village idiot you are you had to post ......
we control the wpn you and your maggot team have only one sad little server which km has to prop up on a daily basis.....but by all means do as you promised in your oct meeting and pullit away and do your own thing i dare yas too.......
ya see nobby destroying something can either be brutal or sublte we choose the later by simply exposing you and the maggot teams short comings for all to have been the makers of your own mis fortune......and remember this  you and the maggot team exist because we choose to allow you have no choice in the i have posted previously pie are of no importance any more and we at winmxworld dont need you....we will carryon with maintaining the block list that does very positive things for both the network and the community at large....both quicks and km and others are hard at work in least winmxworld is bring things to the table and helping the community,,,,,,,,the same cant be said of pie as you bring nothing and offer nothing as me_here has said you will get no sympathy from us.............

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2006, 09:40:18 pm »
And to think....I almost joined that team

Well im on a much better team now :D

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #57 on: March 24, 2006, 10:05:15 pm »
Ok folks I think Nobby has got the message that pointing the finger is liable to backfire on you.

Whilst I am annoyed in a major way with the network damage and anti KM propaganda coming from Nobbys favourite site , I would be amiss to not recognise those members of the pie team who did support the cause of anti flooding and vocally at the time.

Unique, Sub Human Bob and Sam 57 have all made it clear to users that it would benefit the network if a blocking solution was used I have only thanks for those guys they are after all the same ones behind making the pie patch itself and in a professional manner may I add.

Folks I dont know about the rest of you but perhaps its time to organise a real winmx help committee, so that efforts could be co-ordinated once again instead of small groups struggling to replicate the work of others teams, would this not be of benefit to all winmx users ?

Lets hear your opinions folks, and I promise here and now that I have no plans to run such a group, I think a team of respected winmx users should step up and we can democratically vote for and against them, there is no longer an emergency and its time democracy took over.

I,m willing still to work with others whatever their past as long as we are all clear about the goal to move winmx forward in a selfless and open manner.

Well folks, the future is in your hands, lets move forward together or are we resigned to just bitching about what could have been.

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #58 on: March 24, 2006, 10:12:25 pm »
Can i be team leader


I want to be on this team......

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Re: WinMX World Agenda Revealed
« Reply #59 on: March 24, 2006, 11:26:13 pm »
 nice idea 
hope things can move along in the right direction

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