opensuse 11.0 & 11.2 KDE 4.3.5 Wine 1.0
I was unhappy with the way mxmonitor was working in linux [misses too many people with zero shared], so I thought I would try Leechammer.
I checked it out at WineHQ and although it was not listed there I went ahead and tried installing it through wine, amyway. It did install and start. [I have a log file with errors of the install listed] When Leechhammer is running, it plays havoc with the winmx screen at times [makes screen jump around and flash], but it does pickup the zero files shared and boot them. Just don't try and type anything or open a file manager, etc. when it is hammering. [It bounces you out] . Also, for some reason, it clears my completed uploads [which I like to view, so I can see what is being uploaded. Another thing is the print on the Leechhammer screen is very tiny.
I would like to know if anyone is successfully using Leechhammer in linux and what they did to correct these problems?
Failing help for above, is there any other leech kicker program that can be run in linux, that would work better [smoother] than mxmonitor or leechhammer.
Thank You