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Author Topic: What's happen to WinMx  (Read 31173 times)

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Offline Old Gunny

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What's happen to WinMx
« on: July 02, 2011, 11:03:34 am »
I'm a very old user of winmx and lately it seems that searching is getting a lot of  garbage.
Example a search of "Cher" gives me not only Cher but weird character titles, Carpenters and all kinds of stuff, including porn.
Refining to Cher Albw gives the same. Are we under attack, does anyone know what's going on?  :(

Offline tig

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Offline allenx1966

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2011, 10:43:13 am »
Winmx is dead Gunny ........... do what i did, get your learn on about torrents.  at this point even if Winmx gets fixed, the amount of users will not be enough to share anything worth while .
  i have used winmx since it was created, i never thought this day would come .......

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2011, 01:09:13 pm »
Yeah lets learn about torrents, it' s system where your IP address is automatically logged by unscrupulous companies that specialise in shaking down file sharers, at least 50,000 +folks last year in the US alone got legal threats using torrent clients and zero using winmx I wonder why anyone uses Torrents when the chances of paying 1-3000 dollars is so much higher.

I know you may not be aware of this Allenx but this site is not a place to advertise Bit torrent, its a WinMX support site if you wish to leave the community then thats your choice but please stop trying to use our resources to suggest others should.


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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2011, 03:32:39 pm »
I don't know any filesharing program other than winmx which enables you NOT to upload partial files while you're downloading them and let's you decide whom you're uploding your files to.

The 'autoupload feature' in other programs is the number one reason why people are getting sued or at least get legal notices wanting 1-3000$ from them!

I.E. , in my country of origin the courts will not make your ISP give out your address if you just downloaded a file RIAA etc was monitoring. You have to upload monitored material! So if you choose wisely what you share you're almost 99,99% safe when using WinMX, atleast where I live and my guess is that in most countries it is handeled the same way.

Even OCHs are safer than filesharing programs with 'autoupload feature'.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2011, 04:47:57 pm »
ofc that mentality means fewer files on mx and the ones that are there are behind moni and/or 100+ deep in queue....

someone has to upload for someone else to download.... :/


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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2011, 05:08:00 pm »
Sorry SilverStripes, but anyone living in a country where you get scre*ed by lawyers as soon as they upload monitored files (or pron) doesn't have an alternative to share older files (or other files where it's very unlikely they're monitored) and /or use moni/leechhammer ... OK there is the alternative to get vpn sevices, but even they will give out your address on a court order...

I would love to share a lot more, and I'm sure many others would too, but I will not finance new porsches for a whole hord of  lawyers!

Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2011, 06:58:33 pm »
Hopefully there will be a fix soon, and maybe the new patch will even give some more inavative ideals for the new client protocol. Maybe the new client can adobt a better way of filtering out malicious traffic with what has been developed in the new patch. I'm trying to stay positive.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2011, 07:20:18 pm »
That is the best thing to do Achilles, no one is saying that using the network while its under attack is anything like easy but most of you wouldnt give in to bullies in real life and know what the attackers are doing is wrong, for those reasons alone I urge all winmx users to use their prescence here to show solidarity against the attackers, we will win out against them as we will never give up, as long as they know that we are still masters of our own P2p network, no one owns the WPN and no ones going to steal if from us.

Stand united folks, and join the thousands of smiling faces when such attacks are just history and no longer possible  :yes:

Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2011, 07:25:47 pm »
Winmx is dead Gunny ........... do what i did, get your learn on about torrents.  at this point even if Winmx gets fixed, the amount of users will not be enough to share anything worth while .
  i have used winmx since it was created, i never thought this day would come .......

Fix it, and they will come. I use Utorrent for torrents, but no torrent client can ever replace WinMx for me. It was the safest network of all the P2P networks, and it also gave me more control over who I share with. Nice to make friends, and trade with regulars. I also found many files that I could not find with torrent trackers. People tend to share older files, and not just newer ones like torrent trackers.  The thing is I always made friends with who ever shared common interest files instead of meeting them in a chat room so the search funtion was a necessity for me. Its just impossible & way too time consumming to find files by having to browse dozens of users in a chat room. I have nothing against torrents, and other networks. I believe in giving credit where credit is due. We would not want other P2P network users talking bad about the WinMx network. Users should know the risk involved though which should be discussed, but in a proffesional manner. Like I said i use Utorrent, and I also use Xtreme Mod for e-mule client. I always give honest evaluations or opinions without bias agendas. I get frustrated just like the rest of you do, but I will not falter so easily. There's nothing out there at the moment that will replace WinMx for me.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2011, 07:36:08 pm »
Well said Achilles, I,m sure many folks use different p2p nets to supplement their downloading activity and if they enjoy them they should continue to do so but I do think its only fair to all that we don't have to put up with BT spam on our WinMX specific site, we don't after all go spamming bittorent sites with pro WinMX spam, its simply respectful to leave WinMX user their own space on the internet.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2011, 10:12:59 pm »
have to honestly say... there are p2p out there that can replace mx for me... the thing that holds me to mx is the 'tinker' factor... like that old car that mostly sits in the garage and only gets driven once in a blue moon but gets its engine tinkered with quite often...

not practical, not efficient, not even that pleasant to drive... but an interesting toy nonetheless....

Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2011, 02:35:28 am »
have to honestly say... there are p2p out there that can replace mx for me... the thing that holds me to mx is the 'tinker' factor... like that old car that mostly sits in the garage and only gets driven once in a blue moon but gets its engine tinkered with quite often...

not practical, not efficient, not even that pleasant to drive... but an interesting toy nonetheless....
Well to be honest as I always am, the current state of WinMx is pretty useless to me.  If we had a new client with a changed protocol so there was no 2GB file size limit, improved hashing, improved stability, security enhancements, and IPV6 compatibility it would be exactly what i need & want.  I would only use other clients then when I could not find what i was looking for on the WinMx network.  I don't see no need to change anything else. I don't really mind waiting in a queue, and the GUI is fine the way it is. I'm fine with the fact that it does not use the chunk transfer protocol method, and other faster transfer methods for sharing files.  I'm not trying to replace any torrent client since there are plenty of them to choose from.  WinMx is unique in its own way, and if WinMx had the above updates i mentioned it would have a much larger user base without compromising security & privacy.  It would be a much better client, and we would have a much better network. It would still be the familiar WinMx that we all have enjoyed, and become accustomed to. It would only be the improved client that we have all wanted to see for several years now. I hope coders don't give up on it, and lets try not to give them any reason to run from such a project. We should always be thankful for what we have, and do what we can to encourage coders to take an interest in the project. We all know the current events that have been taking place will not bring any new talent into the community. Do you agree with this Stripes? Do we have the same or a very similar end goal in mind Hypothetically speaking?  Lets just pretend those changes were in reach, and we could have the client I have just described above. Would you be pleased with that? I know I would be ecstatically excited to see such a client & improved network. Like I already said there are plenty of torrent clients & trackers available to choose from so no need to add another one to the mix.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline allenx1966

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2011, 03:11:03 am »
First off, I don't "advertise" anything, I am a file sharer like everyone else. Secondly , several of you vets here are still acting as if Winmx is working fine, IT IS NOT WORKING. Maybe you have got yours to work with several complicated tweeks and opennap . If i was smart enough to get Winmx to work right now, I would be smart enough to have enough money to buy files rather than share.
  I represent the middle ground guy. I can tweek things a little, and I know enough to build computers. If Winmx is not working for the middle guy, then it is just flat out not working. I have yet to find any information anywhere in the forum that will make my Winmx work right now, and I'm sure I am not the only one. Sorry if that offends the supervisors. My quest is not to upset anyone, my quest is to share files via Winmx, and if not Winmx, then the closest safe alternative. Bottom line, I am here to share files and info with others that want to share files and info. If sharing files and info makes moderators/supervisors mad at me, then the supervisors and moderators have lost total touch of why we are here, and it explains why Winmx is broke with not hope of being fixed. I don't see any problem offering up ideas for people to use other software. I got Limewire pirate running safe,with peerblock. I really don't see why people in any p2p forum would be upset in anyway for me trying share info. The people that run things here are starting to remind me of Metallica and their fall from grace by trying to stop sharing. Why not reply to me with some info that might help,rather than scorn. We all all in this together.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2011, 03:40:11 am »
Just because you have lost hope and cant see the wood from the trees the point I made earlier is still relevant, you dont pay the bills here and those that do really dont want advertising for other networks on this WinMX specific site is that so hard for you to understand ?

You end your post with some off topic nonsense, what do we have in common with metallica ???

I guess from your post your upset and rest assured your not alone in that but also rest assured in the knowledge that there are ongoing efforts to fix the major protocol problem and there has been for some time now, we have hope and trust in succeeding with a fix regardless of the time span its delivered in however in the mean time your posting of all and any p2p networks without thinking of the risks your encouraging folks to take is unhelpful, please cease.

Offline allenx1966

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2011, 05:56:10 am »
Well , the new patched Pirate Limewire IS DECENTRALIZED  , and it does torrents as well as straight file sharing. It was fixed and made to work in the same spirit Winmx was fixed at one time. Maybe you THINK you know what I am talking about if you used limewire a year ago. You should try it now ,5.6.2 pirate, if you actually try it,and see how well it works with peerblock, maybe you will be more appreciative of my wanting to share this info with people that may not know it. I have earned my stripes with Winmx, for years I would share the max files,and run bandwidth wide open with primary connection,for days at a time,just to support the network. I can also NOT run static ip with the pirate lime, which allows me to constantly renew my ip address,which does not totally offer protection, but it sure doesn't hurt. It just really baffles me why on a site of this type,anyone would bash someone for offering help. If someone feels it is riskier to share on Limewire,and want to warn of this, thats cool and probably true. You have to remember though, most of the folks getting busted are sharing and downloading thousands more files than the average user. The guy getting 10 to 20 files a month is not at the same risk as someone that devotes their life to file sharing.A small time user like me can get away with more riskier programs like Limewire. Using decentralized pirate limewire with peerblock is working better than winmx has worked in over 3 years. Don't hate the messenger,hate the facts.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2011, 09:22:17 am »
I don't really mind waiting in a queue,

i cant stand it... couldnt stand it in 2002 (which is why i made liberal use of quickmx.. infact i didnt have mx running without quickmx back then) and cant stand it now... esp with torrents around....

the idea to fix such a queue system was used in ares where you queue for a chunk of data rather than the whole file and are in a 'rotation' with other users who want to download... so the file you want actually goes somewhere.... ....ares, despite its comparative efficiency isnt that popular of a network... its a niche just like mx....

just about all the ideas that could be thought of for a system like mx... have... and i really doubt the hardcore traders with mxmoni at their sides would go for the ares style piecemeal transfer system...

unfortunately a lot of winmxs users are set in stone on how it functions as much as the client itself is since frontcode isnt around to release updates... 2002... mx was kickass... in 2011... its uh... well... its an interesting place to use a chat client..?...

once (if? im having serious doubts again) mx is working again its back to square one on the queue problem that has irked many mx users for quite some time... ...frontcode itself used to catch hell for the queue issue...

im a 'datamonger' first... a chatter second... always have been....

You end your post with some off topic nonsense, what do we have in common with metallica ???

hes talking about them going from letting ppl record their live concerts with tape recorders (and then sharing those recordings) to their drummer going nuts and suing the original napster off the face of the planet....

it wasnt off topic... it was quite relevant.... ...ppl who once loved the 'sharing' idea now trying to wipe mx off the web....

Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2011, 02:48:47 pm »
Ok, Stripes. I thought you would have used WinMx with the updates I mentioned. I was wrong.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2011, 04:39:44 pm »
'updates' id like to see in mx;

md5 hash rather than herns uh... not so good hash... and 64bit file sizes to go with this md5 hashing....

rolling 'segmented' download... keep it linear so the old hats can preview the files but still chop it up into say 512kb chunks... so queues dont 'stall out' ....

the ability to find hash sources from the ppl you are in the same room with ... by whatever means deemed most efficient.... so the awkward 'auto find sources' not finding the file thats obviously in the shares of the person you are talking to wont happen...

ipv6 support (that one may take a while)

upnp that works properly...

encrypted file transfers (pref udp but tcp works too)

anti-leech functions... (you wanna download you need to share too... you want to have only one slot open on a dsl or cable or other broadband connection for upload? then you only get one slot for downloading over that connection... greedy bastards...)

now for the interesting part.... most of that has already been done in other p2p software for quite some time now (chat channel thing im not sure of... i dont use chat on other p2p apps) ... even the antileech functions... (the lopster opennap client has antileech yet it was last updated in 2005)

winmx is very far behind the curve on the technical side of things....

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