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Author Topic: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system  (Read 33061 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #100 on: September 20, 2011, 04:12:31 am »
Lets stay on topic please Gents, theres a lot of good discussion going on here and I know myself that after the discussion comes the planning and the realisation of what a mountain we have to climb to acheive our goals, dont falter and have confidence in both yourselves and your fellow users, we are all here to support and care for the network as best we can.

Most of you  know I and some others are working on a few projects that we hope will deliver us from our static situation however we are not yet ready to launch those projects in public and I have stated more than a few times that other projects and other input are needed to bring back the wealth of both creativity and scope of innovation we had all got used to prior to our current mess, diversification and delivery of conceptual applications that may be of future usage will always be welcomed here, we have had something special all these years and I for one would like something special to replace our old  trusty companion, putting the words winmx on top of something else is not what we need nor helpful, we may simply be trading one set of problems for another set of unknown ones, please bear this in mind.

Good luck to those who go further than discussion, and thank you all for bringing hope in a future for the loyal users.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #101 on: September 20, 2011, 06:31:52 am » its a 28day trial but netlimiter version 2 lite will let you throttle the traffic to whatever arbitrary amount you wish to whichever application you wish..... if anyone knows of a freeware or F/OSS alternative to this please inform...

adding the 'tor' and 'china' ranges on (which seems to be down atm) to peerblock would be a really good idea too... (china is a good idea regardless)

Offline reef

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #102 on: September 20, 2011, 06:40:39 am »
This is one i stumbled across a few months ago.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #103 on: September 20, 2011, 07:30:00 am »   --- china  --- tor (aka onion router)

view urls in browser -- those are not direct links to the lists....

Quote from: netbalancer
*The Free version is limited to a maximum of 5 process priorities/limits and 5 rules at a time, has no separate network adapters management and no support for Network Grouping

sound like more than enough considering we are targeting just one app..... very cool find... :)

Offline achilles

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #104 on: September 20, 2011, 01:05:36 pm »
Hans, here are some screen shots posted of the new client
It is my understanding it is still in pre alpha stage. No primary support. Only secondary.
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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #105 on: September 20, 2011, 01:49:33 pm »
Pm me Joshua, and give the name of that client if you don't want to post it.
Well looking at the impressive list you already received now I think a PM is late to say the least :lol:

Utorrent is my choice of torrent clients because it's so light and doesn't come with any garbage bundled with it.
If you like the winmx look so much why not give Tixati a go (still gets updated regularly ;) ) ...very clean and to the point
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Offline RebelMX

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #106 on: September 20, 2011, 06:50:59 pm »
To be clear.  My views are:

The network has NOTHING to do with the Winmx.exe GUI.  A gui is meaningless and the importance of the "network" is the theoretical protocol and methods used.  Therefore creating a entirely new protocol with the same gui (similar to the Torrent program allegedly developed by Kevin) is NOT Winmx!

@Hans: There is no copy of the winmx sourcecode, nor will there ever be.  A clone is the closest you will get and right now that's what is being worked on!

@Stripes: actually the chat protocol is the ONLY part of the protocol NOT affected by the current attacks LOL  The attacks affect the primary protocol, which has knock on effects on the secondary protocol.  However true "chat clients" which have neither primary or secondary connection work perfectly fine as they were designed, try running RoboMX disconnected (the equivalent of no secondary).

@achilles: I wont just "hand over" the primary, secondary, chat and cache protocol info to Hans as to date he has proven nothing and personally I do not know him from you or the attackers.  Your asking people to hand over the equivalent of kryptonite for Windex to people that currently no-one can vouch for, and has not even produced a working example.  If Hans wants to help he would be able to pick up from the open source projects some code and source that would enable him to make a GUI clone that works, even without any backing code.  Currently all I have seen is suggestions (helpful and misguided) and alternative protocols and networks but nothing firm.  I hope you can understand peoples reluctance to hand over something so valuable which has taken individuals many years to get to the stage it is now (as shoddy as people like yourself may think that is).

As i stated before, there are several timelines to work to, and currently the only ones you guys are looking at in the infinite.  Think about the shorter term instead of imagining that we have all the time in the world.  You might be able to produce the greatest p2p client ever with maximum security and perfect hash codes but if no-one is about to use it - who cares?

Offline achilles

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #107 on: September 20, 2011, 08:47:45 pm »
Ritchie, Are you going to do it all by yourself? GS, and others have been asking for help all this time, but will not accept it when offered. Hans may agree to work on a clone client. There's really no way to verify anyone as trust worthy on a forum such as this. Everything that is done can only be done in good faith. So you want Hans to write some code for the project in order to earn your trust? What would you like for him to do to help?
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #108 on: September 20, 2011, 09:13:22 pm »
actually the chat protocol is the ONLY part of the protocol NOT affected by the current attacks LOL

each server says 'im here' in response to a list request... is that not part of the chat protocol to be able to find the room? granted we may define 'chat protocol' differently....

try running RoboMX disconnected (the equivalent of no secondary).

yes ive done that and chatted in a room just fine but had to get the room and its hash elsewhere...

the equivalent of kryptonite for Windex to people that currently no-one can vouch for

funny how the built-in spell checker replaces winmx with windex (might wanna keep an eye on that) ..... kryptonite however by others isnt needed as winmx is currently bathing in it...

btw.... ...the attacks started roughly in may... its september... where is this fix? (its timeline seems to be in the infinite as well)

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #109 on: September 20, 2011, 10:07:37 pm »
btw.... ...the attacks started roughly in may... its september... where is this fix? (its timeline seems to be in the infinite as well)

Try not to let your frustration spill over mucker :-D

Their is a new patch installer posted up behind the scenes, we have a new server(toads have got) and im wiriting a new patch page update ATM, we are close guys i hear their is a delay but we just have to be patient. Pretty much everything that can be done is being done. I know its slow, but when its done for free, we have to realise folks need to eat work and sleep. Next time maybe we could add a big donate button and hire some coders lol. Maybe you would like to be head of finance stripes??? (im joking btw :-D )
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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #110 on: September 20, 2011, 11:27:45 pm »
This is one i stumbled across a few months ago.

Use Squid Proxy. It's free.
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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #111 on: September 20, 2011, 11:34:41 pm »
Hans, here are some screen shots posted of the new client
It is my understanding it is still in pre alpha stage. No primary support. Only secondary.

Had a look at the screen shots. About the same as WinMX.exe 3,54. 
Can it be ported to Linux?
AMD Phenom II x4, 3000Mhz; 24,115 Bogo MIPS; 
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Offline Hans-Linux

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #112 on: September 20, 2011, 11:55:34 pm »
To be clear.  My views are:
......... If Hans wants to help he would be able to pick up from the open source projects some code and source that would enable him to make a GUI clone that works, even without any backing code.  -------

I actually compiled and installed the WX-GTK  source and started work on a GUI for "CLEANER". This is a Command Line utility that searches through a directory tree for files with identical content, marks the filed for manual deletion or automatically deletes the file. The utility at present runs on 64 bit Linux and will be available for 32 bit Linux and 32 bit Windows. The utility was written to clean out duplicate files with different file names. 

Copies and source are available on request by sending a private message to me.

AMD Phenom II x4, 3000Mhz; 24,115 Bogo MIPS; 
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #113 on: September 21, 2011, 05:42:38 am »
Use Squid Proxy. It's free.

i use squid too but not for throttling.... was mainly aiming for something like netlimiter due to the user-friendlyness of it.... (config files and commandlines arent for everyone)

Had a look at the screen shots. About the same as WinMX.exe 3,54. 
Can it be ported to Linux?

the base application used for the clone is in MSVC (C++) version 7 .... what its been changed to.. if it has been... i dont know...  .... need to ask the devs since richy seems a bit uneasy on the handout of info.... (seems hes a bit overloaded from stress as well...)

The utility was written to clean out duplicate files with different file names.

old program called 'dupefiles' (may not have the spelling right ... google is your friend) does the same thing.... but sounds like a good opportunity for folks to see your method of coding....

Offline Hans-Linux

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #114 on: September 21, 2011, 09:27:46 am »
The utility was written to clean out duplicate files with different file names.

old program called 'dupefiles' (may not have the spelling right ... google is your friend) does the same thing.... but sounds like a good opportunity for folks to see your method of coding....

Does not run on Linux and costs money. See
AMD Phenom II x4, 3000Mhz; 24,115 Bogo MIPS; 
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Wine 3.0.3; WinMx; Bit-Torrent;
Up-Speed 20 Mb/s Down-Speed 50 Mb/s;
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Offline achilles

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #115 on: September 21, 2011, 06:52:49 pm »
Ritchie good luck on the patch! Thank you for your time, and hard work! There has to be a way to bring new talent into the community / project at some point. There is just way too much work for 1 or 2 coders to do. There will always be a risk when bringing new talent into the project. How to decide who gets access, and who doesn't is not an easy decision to make since there Is really no way verify ones character on a forum like this. I don't Want to see WinMx made into a torrent client, and branded the name WinMx either. Those are not my intentions nor have I ever proposed such.  I hope to see WinMx thriving again soon. My apologies if I have sent the wrong message! 
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline RebelMX

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #116 on: September 21, 2011, 08:00:09 pm »
Stripes seems to have confused himself.

Firstly he claims that chat server listings are part of the chat protocol then admits that to get a listing you need to be connected to the WPN in at least secondary mode.  Therefore the chat protocol and secondary protocol are quite clear division in chat servers, and that is the reason the attacks DO NOT affect chat at all LOL

As for being stressed, yes i am isnt every person? However that is not what prevents me handing out sourcecode to the almost complete primary client i have developed, nor to the re-written patch which actually is a workable example of code, allowing easy access and development compared to the old rushed job (albiet working) source that eagle produced.

Moaning about timescales is laughable.  In the 4 1/2 months that have passed someone who wanted to learn to code could have easily picked up a copy of the sourcecode, and learnt how it works and thought up possible fixes.  To whine that someone who is offering to help in their spare time, and thats not fast enough for you, when you have actually brought nothing to the table is comical IMO.

From my understanding the official clone client is currently written in C++ using Microsoft Visual C++ (i have a feeling it was 6) therefore is unlikely to be easily portable to linux.

I am now studying a professional qualification as well as working full time and trying to spend time with family too.  I have been (slowly) developing where i can on some parts but it is understandably slow on any of my projects.  Luckily i had time spare before i began in August to explain in code, my basic proposed theory from back in May which i know was considered and hopefully aided the development process.  My problem was knowing where to add my code to the patch, not how to fix the problem.

Offline achilles

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #117 on: September 21, 2011, 08:30:01 pm »
What language does Eagle code in, and does he have any interest in helping with the project anymore?
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #118 on: September 22, 2011, 01:18:44 am »
Stripes seems to have confused himself.

Firstly he claims that chat server listings are part of the chat protocol then admits that to get a listing you need to be connected to the WPN in at least secondary mode.  Therefore the chat protocol and secondary protocol are quite clear division in chat servers, and that is the reason the attacks DO NOT affect chat at all LOL

like i said you and i have a different definition of what constitues 'chat protocol' ..... if joshes lister didnt exsist there would be quite a few lost chatters out there...

In the 4 1/2 months that have passed someone who wanted to learn to code could have easily picked up a copy of the sourcecode, and learnt how it works and thought up possible fixes.

considering the politics behind it i'd rather have devoted my time to another p2p app.... one that is open source....

hans says base it on gnunet... good idea since its open source bad idea since its not an efficient protocol (read: too much overhead) ... noone wants torrent in mx (tixati anyone?) and the 'closed loop' p2p model has pretty much reached its innovation limitations...

my gut says theres a really good chance that the mx clones' future variants will not be dial friendly and ive said once before that im hanging out on the forum to see if a fix can be made.... ....its been claimed to have been made and more than one 'back stage' back that sentiment....  ....curiosity leads me to want to see this creature of code and how well it works when put 'in the wild' .... yes i plan to beta test the hell out of the thing and send whatever reports the coder(s) need to fix bugs (if any).... ....i just hope the code has plenty of peer review so mx doesnt have another /rcukillroom moment....

since the drama, arguments, hacks, leeching and other pithy parts of 'the community' will always exsist regardless of how well the client is written (people are people after all) the 'clone' wont be an app that ill ever install since i wont have a use for it.... the fixes it uses will have already been 'proven' in the patch....

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Re: My personal ideas for a “safe” NEW WinMx file transfer system
« Reply #119 on: September 22, 2011, 01:26:25 am »
my gut says theres a really good chance that the mx clones' future variants will not be dial friendly...

WinMX itself has ALWAYS been Dial Friendly, heavens, thats what it was written for...

Hmmm, short memories mebbe...
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