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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #100 on: September 06, 2006, 01:57:33 pm »
lmfao, so if km's "action" wasnt a ddos attack to take the site down, what was he proposing, a WmW picnic?? Bug outside vladds house with a sandwich board? rofl....... you guys are too funny.


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #101 on: September 06, 2006, 03:06:37 pm »
perhaps i payed vladd $1000 to redirect to google?

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #102 on: September 06, 2006, 03:34:24 pm »
A picnic!?!............
And I wasn't invited!?!.................
I never get invited to go to these functions!!...........................................
AND I MADE BAKED BEANS!!..................
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #103 on: September 06, 2006, 03:54:00 pm »
there ya go again making accusations without any evidence....................
there was no dos attack...............and yet you continue on falsely accusing people of things that havent occured..................
NOW YA JUST HAVE TO PROVE IT....................

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #104 on: September 06, 2006, 05:03:01 pm »
Well here we go the pie team is getting tired of the lies and running as fast as they can .This was posted at a less reputable site (

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PostPosted: Today at 04:13    Post subject: Dose anyone really believe this is about free speech?    Reply with quote

Gemini and Jim’s MXPIE team has tried to say chouse not to take sides but asked me to take sides
Love on the Vladd44 MXPIE has also asked me to take sides
WinMx World group is laughing their asses off

From what I can see NO ONE on any team is doing anything to help the users
Do you really believe this is about free speech?

Gemini and Jim’s MXPIE team says a new patch will be out soon
Vladd44 MXPIE team says they are working on a patch that will block flooders
Both are waiting to see the other team to release a new patch first this is all a power play and I’m tired of being a part of it.

You have all taken something good and ruined it

WinMx is seems to be a waste of my time these days.

It’s just a bunch of “he said she said” and “he did it, she did it” and its all bull shit
Its not fun and its not friends, as most of the people I considered my friends have betrayed me.

I will no longer be any part of either group. I ask that my name be removed from all Organization charts.

As I’m sure of that this post may be deleted or altered I am posting not only on the Vladd44, gemini777, sites but the WinMX World and CricketMX sites as well.


People are really starting to see Vladd's site and Pie for what it is.

It seams that when people are given the chance to choose they run from the old pie team.

If the Pie team members choose to leave pie ,You can see why Vladd44 has deleted and edited any post talking about a real fix for MX. As  knobby has said in this thread they have lied and from the looks of things if they had not all this fighting would never had happened , there would have been no need people would be useing mx and blocking the fake flooded files and been as happy as you could be running MX.

Knobby wishes for every one to beleve that all the trouble on mx is becouse of winmx world but as any fool can see its becouse of their lies to the users and their own members.

And they are still at it How many more users are we going to loose becouse of The vladd44 pie teams lies?
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #105 on: September 06, 2006, 06:51:49 pm »
answer everyone.............nobby has posted that NO WINMX is preferable to winmx run by km.....................
with a brain dead attitude like that, dont need to be a genuis to see pie will stop at nothing to destroy winmx................
in nobbys and vladds view if they cant control it they will destroy it..................
and so far there done a pretty good job..................
with there lie deny deciet policy towards users..............there continual promotion of a failed patch.............( after all as we all know go to a maggot help room and no matter what your issue is your told to unistall the dll ,the only real working patch,and install there virus,with absolutely no mention of blocking)..............the appalingly bad technical help coming from all there admins but in particular kayleigh, no wonder users just give up in frustration at having to sort through hundreds of fakes to find one file ..........caches that fail more often then pie tell lies..................
then we have pie b team jim gem and sabre..............well there even worse then nobby and vladd.............not only do they continue the lie and promotion of a failed patch ,but refuse to block at all................ive seen sabre say that to block is in violation of riaas first amendment rights ROFL, what a idiot................
so its clear while pie remain winmx will continue to suffer users leaving, and any hope of actually growing winmx is just a fantasy,while there are those that would rather see winmx gone then in km in control..................

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #106 on: September 06, 2006, 06:54:32 pm »
there ya go again making accusations without any evidence....................
there was no dos attack...............and yet you continue on falsely accusing people of things that havent occured..................
NOW YA JUST HAVE TO PROVE IT....................

I dont need to provide evidence for accusations i havent made, i have provided the evidence of the DDOS attack, this site has provided the evidence of those that sanctioned it, all thats left is the actual perpertrator, but i havent accused anyone of that. Its funny how many ppl jump to defend km B4 hes even been accused, lol

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #107 on: September 06, 2006, 07:04:58 pm »
I dont need to provide evidence for accusations i havent made, i have provided the evidence of the DDOS attack, this site has provided the evidence of those that sanctioned it, all thats left is the actual perpertrator, but i havent accused anyone of that. Its funny how many ppl jump to defend km B4 hes even been accused, lol

Then please explain what do these words of your mean? :::::::

Quote from:  nobby
You can see for yourself exactly what he stated Mac, he made it clear if more than 50% voted in support, further action would be taken, if he was not able to do this himself, or was not in contact with the perpetrator, then there is no way he could have predicted further action would occur, in fact just a handful of hours later a DDOS took place, firstly on vladd, then a while later on me.

You are implicitly telling that Km attacked.. Ok to be precise, he attacked by asking someone else to do it for him
If that is not the meaning .... then what is ?

Cheers :P
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #108 on: September 06, 2006, 07:52:57 pm »
Knobby i too wish you were as smart as Homer Simpson.
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #109 on: September 06, 2006, 07:55:23 pm »
PMSL .............what ddos attack you have provided   nothing nobby as far as evidence is concerned,not a single shred of evidence, all you have done is make accusations directly aimed at km ...............but then your a self confessed liar and exposed scammer so anything you have to say is worthless.............
some tin pot hotmail letter with no header of the company easily crafted......and both pointless and worthless................
there was no dos attack nobby you have proved nothing except your a whinning pathetic looser...............
go back to your sad little forum were no one posts, because on this forum your nothing but a liar and a scammer...............
and you wont get a single piece of sympathy from anyone here.................

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #110 on: September 06, 2006, 08:00:42 pm »
Bug, i have not accused km of the attack, please get that into your head, if you need smaller words, let me know.

Although another coincidence i did note on an old thread on vladds, seems the last time KM made a threat at "action" against a site, shortly after that site was hit with a DDOS to, hmmmmmmmmm coincidence is a funny thing........

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #111 on: September 06, 2006, 09:04:42 pm »
You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence of any ddos attack.. some printscreen of a hotmail message that says attack isn't.. the type of alleged attack was unspecified.. could have been verbal physical, ddos or throwing of custard pies..

given such a thoroughly unhelpful & unproffesional webhost i really wouldn't be surprised if they used the word "attack" to cover a falure caused by their own incompetance.. something that appears to rival pie's
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #112 on: September 06, 2006, 09:33:59 pm »
he has provided more than enough evidence - a screen shot of an email claiming to be from servage confirming an attack against a website they didn't host so wouldn't know anything about anyway, what more evidence could there be?

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #113 on: September 06, 2006, 09:47:03 pm »
My personal rules for posting, based on Questions i'm asking myself before speaking.

1) Why am i interested in discussing that stuff?

2) Why should anyone be interested?

3) What if am right. Does it have an influence out there on something? And what kind of influence?

4) What would happen if i don't post at all. Does it make any difference? Would anyone miss ist? Would someone else post the same, so it can be defined as redundant and useless?

5) What do i expect?

So i like to ask Nobby some Questions:

Do you really believe, there are people interested in coincidences, or even interested in speculations about dos-attacks?

I can tell you, thta i'm not interested at all. Why? Well, i only have one life, 24 hours a day and there is a whole world outside with more things than i could manage to think about. I have to spare my time. I'm new to this scene and like every one else i'm interested in things that have an influence on my today, my tomorrow, maybe, under curtain circumstances, i could be interested in the past. Cause i would not join anyone who is or was engaged in any kind of murder or supporting wars or something like that.

But DOS-Attacks... Even if there were any and even if there'd be evidence. How shall i know if i would have done the same under same curcumstances? It's just not worth my time to think about such stuff.

But, to help you, i will gon on explaining:

Let's say, K. M. would have done something like that. What do you expect to happen then?

Would you say, Development of WinMX should stop for that reason??? Don't be silly.
I don't believe in DOS-Attacks but eben if there would have been such i wouldn't pay ttantion to that. And i believe no one would. There is no use in discussing such stuff. There are things that have high Priority for everyone and there are things that have no Priority at all.

You expect the world to stop turnining and initiate major changings for nothing than coincidences???

I' call someone expecting such as a selfish asshole. I don't liike to talk like that. Your writings give me an impression of your personality and i believe, you are someon able to see things my way. Maybe it was needed, to think it thru after i wrote this posting according to my personal rules of posting. I hope, they will be yours too.
still somehow freightened when i shall get inserted

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #114 on: September 06, 2006, 09:52:37 pm »
Bug, i have not accused km of the attack, please get that into your head, if you need smaller words, let me know.

If you have not accused KM of a attack then
1.Why the hell are you here?  are you posting on all the other sites who have slated V44 for his donation tab also?????
2.Why do you keep on implying that the attack came from this site or someone on this site just because we voted that you should not be alllowed to get away with scamming users
3.Why the hell do you keep going on post the same implactions and yet when asked to provied proof of said attacks all you have done is post a little e-mail letter that anyone could of sent you.

You see nobby you wish for us to believe you are a smart man

So this so called smart man has no proof of the DDOS attack   ????     Nothing,Zip,Zero

Although another coincidence i did note on an old thread on vladds, seems the last time KM made a threat at "action" against a site, shortly after that site was hit with a DDOS to, hmmmmmmmmm coincidence is a funny thing........

Right here you are implying that because YOU and only YOU believe that this attacj here was to much of a coicidence at that momnet in time then the same has to apply now

That Nobby is called pointing the finger of accuastion at KM yet once more
Which is in fact no more or no less then saying that KM is guilty without typing it into words
If you didnt think KM was the one who carried out the so called DDOS attack you wouldnt even be here
If it had been me who was attacked i would of had logs ips the works
I pity you if you ever have to go to court with facts as flimsy as this one day as it will be a matter of  CASE CLOSED

I said it befor nobby and i will say it again
All you are doing is twisting words to suit your needs and yet glossing over the real reason you are here and thats to cover up the fact that V44 played with fire and for once he got his fingers burnt and now has 0% chance of any respect from any user on winmx with 1 braincell

His get rich quick plan f**ed up and your here because if V44 dissapears into the night then pie will once and for all be shown as the scam,no blocking site it has become.

So lets see will i get answers to my questions ?   Will i ever see real proof of a DDOS attack

I give 24 hours from now and if i dont see anything from you that i have not seen from you in the past 4 or 5 days then i will make my own mind up as to weather you have slipped in V44's world of lies or not.

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #115 on: September 06, 2006, 10:56:02 pm »
I give 24 hours from now and if i dont see anything from you that i have not seen from you in the past 4 or 5 days then i will make my own mind up as to weather you have slipped in V44's world of lies or not.

Please do not place any type of time limit in your post.

In 24 hours something bad will happen, and you will be blamed because you set a time limit.

By placing a time limit in your post, certain people (who said Nobby) will then be able to blame you for everything that happens after the time is up.

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #116 on: September 06, 2006, 11:15:54 pm »
 The best way to get peoples minds off some thing bad you have done like lieing , scamming is to get there minds on some thing ealse . It can be bring up the past to make yourself look better or being the victim of some action real or not. You can do the same on a forum by deleting post editing post and moveing them in hopes of hideing them.

 The exmembers of the pie team and those that have chose to leave vladd's room on mx are aware of this and now post on more than one forum so the truth can be seen. Many people have said that the facts of vladd44's forum doing this that waqs reported on this forum was over reacting and some even went so far as say they wewre out and out lies.
But ther is no denieing that it is the truth now given enough rope they have hung themselves.

 Im sorry i dont like knobbys way of thinking that all are guilty for the actions of others but its hard to trust anyone that after all the real facts are known still trust Vladd and pie.

So to those that still trust Vladd and pie when you see what so many other EXpie team members see now i say to you WE told you so.

No questions asked we openly offer you a reall patch that blocks the fake and flooded files with servers that have not had the down time that the pie servers have had , a forum that everyone works hard on helping you with real answers one on one , no magic here just real help, and you never have to worry about your post being edited to make you look like a fool,no deleteing becouse we may not agree with you.

Spam telling you how to find a date or how to get a longer johnson will be deleted .

And no asking for money. No matter what this thread looks like this site is not about argueing it is about helping everyone get connected to mx and helping mx grow and be stronger. If your not happy with vladd and pies actions please download the DLL patch run it and tell your friends as well. As allways its up to the user what patch you run but stoping the fake file flooding so we can have a more useable program is best for everyone i hope you agree.

The DLL can be found here:

Lets really take back Winmx from the real enemy the RIAA.

There is a uninstall if it isnt what you want but please try it and help WinMX.
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #117 on: September 07, 2006, 05:06:00 am »
1) Why am i interested in discussing that stuff?

2) Why should anyone be interested?
Sophosaurus, Here's why:
Nobby says that those who voted for the action against pie are guilty. A fact which if false as Km did not attack vlad's site... Also Nobby is pointing fingers at km (Not says anything, but pointing fingers at Km) when asked "who attacked your site." Please read my previous post... Interpret what Nobby has said in your own words... I am still awaiting a reply for nobby for that. I believe I have posted that twice now... this is the third...
If someone says you are guilty, then do you not have the right to defend yourself? Nobby has accused Km and winmxworld of attacking his site... Those who voted for the action (Including me) are defending themselves.... In this cae, we are all the more right as so far, no evidence has been posted for the attack...
It does not help in any way, but it does influence, and influence is also a powerful factor... The factor behind which pie was there for so long... vladd's name beside it....
So that's why this arguement is going...

Although I know nothing of it, I do think that vladd's site was ddos out.. But the lack of evidence and running away form that point is fast eroding that thought...

I hate writing this sentence... but I am forced to ask you by name and by post...
Nobby.. you say you have not accused km.. Please read my previous post and say what do you mean? I do not feel like posting it oover and over and over again... But if you ask me to do I will, again and again and again.....

Cheers :P
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #118 on: September 07, 2006, 08:30:18 am »
lmao, you guys are really well practised at taking complete BS and trying to blurr a clear cut topic.

to Mac, as you are just about the only one left here with any shred of decency (im sure you feel guilty putting your name against the action taken?) i will respond to your comment.

What would you have me post to prove the DDOS attack?

- i post confirmation from my host, you dont accept it
- If i post a list of IP's you will say i made them up

I have a whole number of emails and communications with my webhost that confirm my statements, would you have me post them all? would it make a difference? If i posted a log showing exactly who carried out the attack with finger prints,  a signed confession  and a photo of them sitting at their kb initiating the attack, you guys still wouldnt listen, so for now i shall be content in the knowledge, i know what took place, and i know the most likely candidate/s who carried it out, and i know for sure who sanctioned it, i also know others have this info too,  i also know those claiming to act on behalf of the Winmx users are nothing more than dictators. Have a good day gentlemen, i know i will :D

Oh and btw, someone please take bug his bowl of dogfood, he gets cranky when hes hungry.

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #119 on: September 07, 2006, 09:11:34 am »
Firstly let me thank you nobby for replying to my post in a civil manner.


to Mac, as you are just about the only one left here with any shred of decency (im sure you feel guilty putting your name against the action taken?) i will respond to your comment.

You are correct i do feel guilty that a reacted in such a quick and swift manner but i must add that for the past 12 months the only person i have been able to get any shred of truth for is yourself Nobby

Vladd sits in the background and hides from the users when the s**t hits the fan and it always seems to me that you are the one left to pick up the pieces and try to build bridges again.

And Nobby i will be 100% honest with you as i have always been

If i thought for 1 second that Vladd was on the take i WOULD support thr same actions again as i hope you would if winmxworld had a paypal icon appear out of no where to.

Now i know you know as well as me nobby that when the paypal button appared out of the blue with no reason what so ever except for its to help with running costs that you would have been outraged to.

With that said i now also understand why it appeared and what it was hoped to achive as this is something i have said b4

but you must admit nobby that the manner it appeared and with it being so out of the blue that people were going to get mad and want to try and stop it.

Sadly to say that this is what this war between to fixes for winmx has now come to

From day 1 i have fought for team work from both sides (i know this wont happen) and untill i am no more i will still fight for team work
But i wont stand by and say something is ok if i feel it is someone trying to make money for nothing of a winmx user

You see nobby i have always ben honest with you and i feel you have with me...but then i hear you say well why are you asking for proof of a DDOS attack?? and i will tell you why

You posted in this thread that you left pie because of pie team members lies and the lack of pushing PG2 as a blocking tool for the pie patch


You are now here fighting for the respect of the pie team and also hosting the pie site

These seem like strange actions of someone who left pie...
And what p**ses me of even more is your the only one here fighting for pie's respect!!!!!!
Odd how no one else from pie is here to help you out    that to would make me just say will f**k pie

I am sorry if this offends you but i am telling you what i see and how i feel.

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