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Offline TheMacDaddy

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #60 on: September 04, 2006, 01:07:45 pm »
Thats just a load of crock nobby and u know it
You came here with one reason and one reason only and that was to defend Vladd's actions over the paypal tab because it blew up in your face
And for your information i also voted that pie should be closed down (but i didnt attack anyone as i dont have the knowledge of how this is done)
But i will also state that if i even feel in MY own mind that vladd is trying to scam users then i will vote the same way again
You come here and you hark on about moral rights    Dam you got a bloody cheek!!!!!!!
I seen endless slander posts about KM and winmxworld being croupt and wanting to take over winmx for ill gains
But in 12 months it still HASNT happened
Quit with all your flack and just admitt it you came here to try and hide the major f**k up you all made over the paypal button and all this high moral ground is just a cover to hide the fact you all blew it with thinking no one or anyone would have a serious issue with all this!!!!!

So your sites got took offline by someone !!!!!
So Vladd offers $1000 for someones personal info !!!!!!

Your so high and moral on the first issue
But i havent seen a single problem for you with the second issue

Site attacks or not with standing   show us this so called patch that this major site shut down (3 or 4 days was it) has not had to be put back for a unknown amount of time because of this attack...

Remember nobby play with fire and you will get burnt
Pie got burnt by the users standing up for themselves and now your trying to hide it

I sugest you go lick your wounds on Vladds site and not here as its now getting old.

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #61 on: September 04, 2006, 01:53:13 pm »
'funny though, you all seem so cock sure it was the "right" action to take, as of yet nobody is willing to take the credit for the attack??? Rather odd consider some here felt it  so justified and Km even said it was not illegal???"

"Funny though, considering the users that "voted"  (just over a dozen of them) on "behalf" of all winmx users, and then some, perhaps even some of them took direct action in the form a DDOS against the site, why is nobody claiming resposibility?? If they have the full support of the winmx commuity as claimed, why has nobody got the balls to say they did it??"

When we all know that no one here has attacked, then why repeatedly ask someone from here to claim responsiblity for something that they have not done?

If winmxworld had been taken down (I think it has been attempted... mabye someone will confirm that, till then, this might be considered as an example) Then I see no reason why or will condemn it... Or else show displeasure that someone had attempted to do so...
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2006, 02:15:33 pm »
Those that voted for the action ARE here, they are as guilty as those who carried it out. As i already said, the Cabnet vote for "action" the armed forces carry it out, the resposibility lays firmly with those that sactioned the action.

Offline chuck

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #63 on: September 04, 2006, 02:52:14 pm »
knobby i hope you understand that if we all use your way of thinking .
That every lie told by Vladd , Love hell all of the pie team. and every bad action taken by vladd or pie  <IE> the scam ad's the askimng for donations.


Make up your mind knobby are you guilty? or not. Or is all This a lie?
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Offline TheMacDaddy

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #64 on: September 04, 2006, 04:30:41 pm »
More flack to hide your sins nobby i see

14 people on here voted that pie should be closed for scammimg users
simple as 1 2 3 really

but for some reason out of the 4000+ members here and the 6 or 7000+ members of vladd44 you are 100% sure it has to be 1 or some of the 14 who said stuff you and your scam site?????

Like i said b4 nobby your only here for 1 thing and 1 thing only and that is to cover your short comings on Vladd44 and to cover up your major mistake!!!! (i use the word your in a genral term)

Thats a fact others might forget but its also a fact i wont allow you to hide in your dirty washing.

Face facts nobby    V44 messed up and you paid the price (by whomever it was)

Whats to say it wasnt the RIAA that shut you down in a effot to stop you from raising a client that they paid all that money to there lawers to close down 12 months ago??

Unreal i know  but its also not beyond the realms of possiblity either.

You see nobby there are thousands of users out there and anyone who you are v44 site upset could attack you at anytime just like they could to winmxworld if they so wished

So stop sounding like the broken record that you are and move on and so the users that V44 wont be making the same mistakes as it has in the past 12 months (and yes you know the mistakes i mean)

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #65 on: September 04, 2006, 05:15:05 pm »
Firstly Chuck, i will standby anything i have put my name to, those 14 people put their name to an attack.

Mac, 14 ppl decided to take it upon themselves to take a vote, KM promised action after 12 hours, if more than 50% voted for it, so what would YOU have me believe, from his own words km instigated the action, whether via a 3rd party/ies or by himself, i dont know, or perhaps as you suggest its the RIaa, i you suggusting that as it was KM that promised the action, he got the Riaa to carrry the DDOS out??

Offline TheMacDaddy

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #66 on: September 04, 2006, 05:53:58 pm »

Nobby i am now 100% sure you are a true master with words
And why???
Because you can twist any comment here and you come out smelling of roses
Dam maybe you should be the prime minster

As for whatever ever KM stated or did not state...Well i guess that up to him as i do respect the fact he has a mind of his own and the right to make any comment he so wishes (even if we dont agree with them all)

But...with that said at least he does try to address an issue and dont keep harking on about the past!!!!

You really need to stop chewing that wasp because i think its stings have messed your thoughts up a little

Move on man   get your patch fixed and as long as V44 dont try to scam users  (dam i hate that word scam) then as i see whoever it was attacked or didnt attack V44 wont have to bother with you again.(and no i am not saying someone will if you do add paypal buttons or try to get money out of users for a so called free fix)

All this time your spending here is time wasted getting your new super patch for fix out to the user.

I wait to see this patch with interest

But i still state that if you want a super fix for winmx pay for it yourselves just like anyone else would (i.e   KM) and let the user chose whats the best option for them at the end of the day.(myself if i had been looking for cash to pay for a fix by a programmer i would have waited untill i at least had the fix to show users what they would have been helping to pay for)

You talk about people not addressing your questions.

Well i have as reguards my vote and my actions or lack of should i say

But you seem to skirt the questions asked of you or dress them up with another question of your own (shot i was right  Nobby for P.M)

You see nobby i know why and have said it a few times now   your here with all you we have been so wronged and its unfair because your trying to cover for a major mess up with the paypal button on Vladds site   and that is all it is at the end of the day

Tell me if someone hacked your pc and caused you to crash.what would you do?

1.Blame Km and all of winmxworld...
2.format your pc and think dam that was a pain
3.none of the above (insert answer here in form of another question)

Offline chuck

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #67 on: September 04, 2006, 05:57:01 pm »
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:57 pm    Post subject:     Reply with quote
Vladd44 is a piece of shit and I realized that back in 2003 when I got a sense of his personality on the Zeropaid forums.

And he more recently spammed bulletin boards using clones or assistants while trying to promote the sites,, and

 Ok this post is off from a Zeropaid member.
They seam to know vladd quite well id say. Could they have dos the pie stte? I dought it but i think anyone can see there are more people in the mx world that does not care for vladd than just the members here.

Vladd has burned his bridges over the years and now he and those that wish to defend ,help him are finding out the users of mx are tired of his childish and selfish acts.

 You are mad your other sties were taken down i would be too but from the looks of things it was just the pie site that was attacked, That should show you that
(1) You put yourself at risk by doing what vladd himself will not do host his pie site,
(2) There are more people than just in the vladd44 room and they dont like vladd's actions.
(3)You would be smart to do as so many others have been. Cut from vladd and let him do his own dirty work for once or be as you say Just As Guilty as vladd.

So its easy to see your they voted they are guilty way of thinking is flawed.
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Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #68 on: September 04, 2006, 07:15:16 pm »
Those that voted for the action ARE here, they are as guilty as those who carried it out. As i already said, the Cabnet vote for "action" the armed forces carry it out, the resposibility lays firmly with those that sactioned the action.

Yeah, mabye we are the cabinet. But a cabinet without any control over the armed forces. A cabinet without any power. Everyone is free to express their views... If the armed forces attack, then we are for it.. when the army attacks winmxworld, then you are for it.. lets call it quits then ...
Opinions are not actions and actions are not opinions. Mabye we were willing to take any action... But if we did not, then we are not to be blamed for it.
Agreed, then is a very very thin line that seperates the two, but none the less, there is a line...

Winmxwrld did not authorise nor did carry out the attack, they do not know who did it.. then why blame them... ? that's the question. You cannot hold a person responsible for an action that he is in favour of, unless he has taken part in it... that last line is the key...
If one cannot get the attackers, then it is is not right to hold those who were for it responsible, without a bit of evidence...

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Offline ..Ñøßߥ..

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #69 on: September 04, 2006, 08:46:58 pm »
Winmxwrld did not authorise nor did carry out the attack, they do not know who did it.. then why blame them... ?

Hmmmm lets hear from the site owner and operator and a senior admin and technical supporter on this issue...

A positive NO vote will be a sign that you are all happy for further action to take place.

Well Ghost words are clear those that vote no support further action, hmmmmmm i wonder what that action could be? Perhaps just to clarify at least 1 senior person from Winmxworld seemed to know what further actions against the pie site were avaiable:

I will check the poll in 12 hours time and if at that time the last option has more than 50% of the votes then further action will be taken on the matter, democracy in action...

So its clear KM either took the action himself or knew the user/users that did, otherwise he would not be able to be so sure "further action will be taken" As for democracy, LMAO, 14 votes represent the views of the Winmx community? ROFL, what a joke.

As for whatever ever KM stated or did not state...Well i guess that up to him as i do respect the fact he has a mind of his own and the right to make any comment he so wishes (even if we dont agree with them all)

Move on man   

You can see for yourself exactly what he stated Mac, he made it clear if more than 50% voted in support, further action would be taken, if he was not able to do this himself, or was not in contact with the perpitrator, then there is no way he could have predicited further action would occur, in fact just a handful of hours later a DDOS took place, firstly on vladd, then a while later on me.


Nobby i am now 100% sure you are a true master with words

TY Mac, its tough even when truth is in my side to argue against a group of 14 users who seem to have appointed themselves the Winmx Police, calling for punishments as they see fit.

But you seem to skirt the questions asked of you or dress them up with another question of your own

Tell me if someone hacked your pc and caused you to crash.what would you do?

1.Blame Km and all of winmxworld...
2.format your pc and think dam that was a pain
3.none of the above (insert answer here in form of another question)

Thats easy Mac, i would firstly see who was behind the attack, and find some evidence, i would then, once i had the evidence discuss the matter with my legal representative. I dont easily swallow the bully boy tactics of self appointed dictators.


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #70 on: September 04, 2006, 10:23:07 pm »
winmxworld has launched no attacks, as for knowing who did attack... well that's not a major point is it? just as a news paper reporting on the fact that iraq was going to be invaded doesn't mean that the reporters are all murderers does it?

Offline chuck

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #71 on: September 04, 2006, 10:30:42 pm »
Ok Paul isnt this enough?
your post as of late are getting close to spam.

My sites were taken down by a DOS.
You voted and x number of people voted Km said this .
Im not saying you did it but you voted and it happened.

Ok we get it your going to come out with a super patch,Its going to be paid for, The programers that your are paying for the patch asked for a donation button(I still dont see why they should have a say so in some thing they are payed for up front but what ever. I still think that is a after thought of vladd or someone on the new pie team) Your sites were taken down becouse of a DOS on the pie site, We took a vot,people voted and km said something.We now know your name is Paul.

Is that just about it?

N0 need to keep posting the same thing over and over again.
Are you posting on other forums that have said vladd is a POS? or are you just spamming this forum?

We see no ip's of those that did the DOS Just a bunch oy crying that we voted. Im sure the site that was up for vladd44 the one with the burp rags could help you out with a burp rag to wipe away your crying.
You say if people vote and some thing is done that the people that voted are just as guilty as the people that did the DOS.
 You say that the pie team has lied and when you are asked if that is so and we all know it is, if you are just as guilty you do not answer.

It has to be one way or the other if everyone is guilty becouse of ones actions than you are guilty of lieing to the users.

 Come on its bad that you sites were taken down i agree with that. But to say that just becouse some people voted to stop vladd from scamming the users.Is just as stupid as saying that You are a lier becouse Love and other members of the old pie team lieing to the users.Im sure you dont need to be lumped in with liers nore do people that voted need to be lumped in with someone that did a DOS on the pie site and Vladd44 if it was done as well.

Could we just move on from this if you have some ip's post them so we can see who did this, if not stop all the crying on this forum.
Understand im not saying stop posting on the forum becouse ive read some verry good post from you about mx but the accucations are getting old.

Ive posted one post from a forum that winmxworld has nothing to do with as in running and you have seen that people there are fed up with vladd to the point of calling him a POS and they knew nothing about the asking for donations or the google ad's for buying mx on his sites.
This shows many people not members of this forum do not like vladd they could have just as easy read this and other threads and decided to take action against the pie site knowing you would blame winmxworld for it all.
So post some ip's and lets see or lets just move on
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Offline Maxe

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #72 on: September 04, 2006, 11:09:10 pm »
I will check the poll in 12 hours time and if at that time the last option has more than 50% of the votes then further action will be taken on the matter, democracy in action...

I voted for further action to be taken. Now tell me Nobby, where exactly in the quote above does it say "DDOS" or "DOS" or "take the site down" or "kill Nobby" or "cut Vladd's head off" or .........

Unless it's written in code and with invisible ink, all I see is "take further action"


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #73 on: September 05, 2006, 02:15:30 am »
the site makes extensive use of invisible ink, if you want to read the full contents of most posts you need to mix the ink with water - the simplest way to do this is to pour a bucket of water over your monitor.

btw nobby there is a hidden message in this post for you, so make sure you perform the required actions to read it


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #74 on: September 05, 2006, 02:17:31 am »
there is a small problem with all of this...............and that is a dos or ddos attack doesnt change dns records...........for example will always resolve to vladds website not a babies nappy website as was this case ...............the fact that for 3 days vladds website resolved to a babbys nappy site is his domain hosts problem, someone changed the dns records so that resolved not to vladds website but to the website that was displayed for 3 days................there is no way in hell a dos or ddos attack can do dos attacks simply deny bandwidth not alter dns records no possible way a dos attack can do instead of pointing fingers at km or winmxworld simply go back to your domain host and ask the question.............for its your domain host that fooked up, no one else and certainly not anyone associated with winmxworld...........
so sorry for bursting your bubble nobby, but can we now put this story to bed.................

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #75 on: September 05, 2006, 04:39:18 am »
winmxworld has launched no attacks, as for knowing who did attack... well that's not a major point is it? just as a news paper reporting on the fact that iraq was going to be invaded doesn't mean that the reporters are all murderers does it?

Ok So I do think that Km is a

site owner and operator and a senior admin and technical supporter on this issue...
Or do Me here and Ghostship also need to do it? I think Km will suffice..

So its clear KM either took the action himself or knew the user/users that did, otherwise he would not be able to be so sure "further action will be taken" As for democracy, LMAO, 14 votes represent the views of the Winmx community? ROFL, what a joke.
Then why not bring more users so that there can be a better consenses?

Post the Ip's here and then let everybody see who did it...

Cheers :P
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #76 on: September 05, 2006, 04:55:00 am »
yes, could put something in the pie update bar "vladd is scamming users out of money claiming to be paying for something that other people donated freely, click here for more information and to vote on what you think of it"... no, probably a little too long for the update bar, so we'll have to stick with the 14 users...


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #77 on: September 05, 2006, 06:12:35 am »
nobby cant post any ip,s of the attacker as there was no attack his domain host simply fucked up the dns records......causing to resolve to that nappy site ..............this is now becoming boring.....................

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #78 on: September 05, 2006, 07:21:31 am »
And Nooky, Vladd is more than capable of defending himself, i am merely defending myself, as if your not aware, i was attacked just the same as vladd, and just for bug i have posted the evidence my account was shut down due to the attack on, that was sanctioned by users here, a truely disgraceful act on the part of the users on this site that approved this action  by vote.
If Vladd is then I'll expect that you have no more to say in agreement on him accepting funds from user's pockets for funding WinMX projects. And do not presume to think you know what I am about. I honestly had no idea or concern for who ran site nor did I give a damn. You can run it in the ground for all I care. As for any sanctioning of any bullshit attack by anyone on this site. If by sanctioned you mean someone on this site might be happy that an attack happened against either pie's site or Vladd's site it would be a lie to claim anyone here was unhappy except that it is sad that anyone should reort to such a means to say the obvious. The obvious being that no user with half a grain of an idea in their heads about what's really going on when a user uses the pie patch could honestly want the pie site or Vladd's to be up and running. If I have to be painfully honest I'll just say that I AM glad it was down for a day or two because what it did was made it easier for people to come to the winmxgroup patch and learn the truth about the fake files and that they CAN be SAFELY blocked and not have a threat to their pc, their pockets, or their livelyhood. I do hope that this lays your mind to rest on the subject of me Nobby and in the future if you want to know what I'm thinking/feeling/screaming by all means just ask. Never presume you "know" me or what I feel or know.
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Offline ñòóKýçrÕôK

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #79 on: September 05, 2006, 07:23:08 am »
And Nooky, Vladd is more than capable of defending himself, i am merely defending myself, as if your not aware, i was attacked just the same as vladd, and just for bug i have posted the evidence my account was shut down due to the attack on, that was sanctioned by users here, a truely disgraceful act on the part of the users on this site that approved this action  by vote.
If Vladd is then I'll expect that you have no more to say in agreement on him accepting funds from user's pockets for funding WinMX projects. And do not presume to think you know what I am about. I honestly had no idea or concern for who ran site nor did I give a damn. You can run it in the ground for all I care. As for any sanctioning of any bullshit attack by anyone on this site. If by sanctioned you mean someone on this site might be happy that an attack happened against either pie's site or Vladd's site it would be a lie to claim anyone here was unhappy except that it is sad that anyone should reort to such means to say the obvious. The obvious being that no user with half a grain of an idea in their heads about what's really going on when a user uses the pie patch could honestly want the pie site or Vladd's to be up and running. If I have to be painfully honest I'll just say that I AM glad it was down for a day or two because what it did was made it easier for people to come to the winmxgroup patch and learn the truth about the fake files and that they CAN be SAFELY blocked and not have a threat to their pc, their pockets, or their livelyhood. I do hope that this lays your mind to rest on the subject of me Nobby and in the future if you want to know what I'm thinking/feeling/screaming by all means just ask. Never presume you "know" me or what I feel or know.
When you wake up each morning always try to remember tomorrow is never your option, it's God's. Love like you want to. Live like you aren't afraid. And ALWAYS try to remember that even if it seems personal it's never as important as something you may have forgotten to do today. Help_AE182F4EBABE - For WinMX help or help on other pc related matters. Cafe_AE182F4ECAFE - For great chat.

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