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Author Topic: Download and Upload issues  (Read 44282 times)

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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2005, 01:14:07 pm »
I completely agree with you, I for one would love to find what allows some to get through and most not to.

If you find anything be sure to let us know, there are hunderds or thousands that have this problem with certain Cable ISPs that would love to know a fix or something to help...


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connected 30 minutes and no secondarys p=8 s=0 spm=20898
« Reply #61 on: November 06, 2005, 05:09:45 am »

Connected with WinMX 3.54 with v 1.9 of the patch.  Has been working fine, shut down WinMX for some computer maintenance and now get no secondarys.  30 minutes online so far...
Any ideas?

The only change to the system since last run was adding a local printer.


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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #62 on: November 06, 2005, 06:02:13 am »
Check your XP firewall this has been causing several ppl havoc lately as it likes to reenable itself without bothering to warn you.  Also make sure if you have a router that any rules you had set in it are still there and enabled..

Let me know what you find


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Damn WinMX fixed itself
« Reply #63 on: November 06, 2005, 10:32:32 pm »
thanks for the response, Me finally started working after about an idea why, maybe got in with a group of underachiever primaries


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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #64 on: November 09, 2005, 06:51:58 pm »
Hi. my problem is for all  uploads
My operating system: Windows XP Profesional Service pack 2 ( 2002)
Firewalls: Norton; Zone Alarm
Router:Zyxel, Internet connection type (adsl) 100,0 Mbps
WinMX Version (3.54)
Secondary user  
My problem is a recent thing, and  dont  make any change on my computer

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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #65 on: November 09, 2005, 08:44:46 pm »
Hi jimi1970

Ok here are some things to check out on your sytem for me.

First thing to check is that your XP firewall has not enabled itself, very common with updates and even with reboots at times.
If it is on, try disabling it completely.

Zone Alarm is never been a popular firewall for long time mx users, some folks never have a problem but it has a long history of not being very compatible with WinMX, lately I have had several folks posting about upload problems with Zone Alarm.  This may be due to an update in Zone Alarm that has made it even more incompatible with WinMX.  I cant be sure about this however, its just basic info for you to be aware of.  
Make sure WinMX is in a trusted Zone.

The Zyxel is a popular router brand name and usually requires ports to be set up to work properly however, as you say no changes have been made so this sorta lets this out.  It does tell me that its probably possible for you to get a primary in the future if you so decide you want to make the needed adjustments in this router.

Check your settings in WinMX, look at Settings > Internet Connections > Incoming TCP and also at IN/OUT UDP and make sure those ports are set to Listen on 6699 for TCP and send and receive on port 6257 for UDP.

Have a look at those things and let me know if any changes helped you at all.


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Some luck allowing uploads
« Reply #66 on: November 12, 2005, 04:44:06 am »
Hey all,

First the setup:
ISP: Cox Cable
Firewall: Sygate Personal Firewall
Router: Linksys VOiP RTP300
Windows XP Pro SP2
Windows firewall turned off (duh)

I have been messing with this for quite a while.  I have ports all configured correctly, plenty of bandwidth far as I can tell.  No matter what I do WinMX will NOT open a UDP port.  It listens on whatever port I tell it (and open through my firewall and router) according to my firewall, but when I scan my IP from outside (, the port forever indicates "closed".  The TCP port I selected in WinMX says "open".  I also periodically run other P2P software which all works perfectly no problems at all, downloads, uploads, the works, no matter what port I set them to.  Yes I always remember to reconfigure the router and firewall (and restart the application) when I switch ports.

I have run other P2P software using the same port numbers that I use for WinMX (without WinMX running obviously) and they work fine without any limits to bandwidth at all.  I don't see how my ISP could block WinMX traffic on UDP port 61212 and not other traffic on the same port.  Can they differentiate between, say, WinMX traffic and Emule traffic?

The other day I noticed WinMX was suddenly working - allowing uploads, not timing out, downloading just fine, searches worked, just like the old days when everything worked.  I checked the setup and, forgive me if I begin to sound stupid here, I had inadvertently set the UDP port to the same value as the TCP port.  Everything worked well.  

Does this hurt anything?  What's a separate UDP port for anyway?  Sometimes I think someone browsing my files will hang the server connection and things in the queue start to time out, but when I retry them they connect right back OK.

Just my little bit of information for you.


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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #67 on: November 12, 2005, 12:43:17 pm »
Hi me here thanks for your time and patience
Ok let`s start:
My XP firewall and Zone Alarm: disabled completely.
WinMX, look at Settings > Internet Connections > Incoming TCP and also at IN/OUT UDP  ports are set to Listen on 6699 for TCP and send and receive on port 6257 for UDP.
And...anybody cant uploads again
Maybe the The Zyxel requires ports to be set up to work properly?

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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #68 on: November 13, 2005, 02:44:07 am »

Yes you will probably need to forward ports in the router to allow WinMX to work correctly.
You can start this journey here:

This will help you to find your internal IP and give you some information on what you need to know before leading you to to actually forward the ports.

Interestingly enough recently there have been a on-slot of folks having upload problems using ZA.  Two of which wound up deleting the Zone Alarm after installing Sygate free Firewall, one that seems ok after re configuring the Zone Alarm.
I can tell you that IF its the same problem as the two folks that changed firewalls both had no results until ZA was uninstalled.

Now, thats not to say that you should uninstall it if your really attached to using it.  However it might be a thought after you are sure your ports are all configured properly and if the problem continues..

Let me know

Interesting.. I learn somthing new everyday  :D

I Know most models of Router have issues with using the same ports for the TCP and UDP, might be worth trying to find out if there is a list of these somewhere..  :roll:

To answer your question about the diffence with Emule or other P2P traffic yes the filtering software is capable of distinguishing bewteen the different p2p network traffic.

They dont filter by port, they filter by the traffic that they see, more specifically would be the header information the filtering software reads.


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Fake files
« Reply #69 on: November 13, 2005, 09:59:54 pm »
I have read the tutorial about using the " -c: -user" line when searching.

I have sharing music files on my 'H' drive and sharing video on my 'G' drive.
I am only using the 'My Music' folder on the 'C' drive for downloading.

I am using Peerguardian and have added the Block and Allow lists from winmxworld.

I have a primary connection.

I am assuming that since I am only downloading into my 'C' drive then there is no problem for me with the 'G' and 'H' drives.
What about others who are trying to upload from me?

If they use the " -c: -user" line in their search, then am I correct in assuming they won't be able to access my files on the 'G' and 'H' drives.

These two drives are kept exclusively for my files available to WinMX users.

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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #70 on: November 13, 2005, 10:13:08 pm »
Using this filter will be like saying this " I want you to find me all the results you can that are NOT on a C: Drive or in a \user\ file, file path."

That means that in the initial searches users will find files that are on drives like G, F, H, etc...

So your files will show up the way you have them shared.  Also its important to note that when a person does a search like this and finds a file that IS Real, its important to then look for that file without the filters in order to find all those folks out that that are not lucky enough to have a seperate drive to share from.

If you have a file you find in a search using the filters '-c: -user'  please once you have it downloading right click the track in your transfers screen and select 'Find Sources Now' or 'Search For Alternatives' .. this will look on the c: drives for matches to increase your speeds...


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Uploads & Downloads
« Reply #71 on: November 15, 2005, 12:32:26 am »
Hello I am Having Upload and Download Issues , I Am Running : Windows XP sp 2, Windows Firewall (with assigned tcp/udp ports), Linksys Router (with assigned ports), peer guardian with updated block and allow lists. I run as a primary on a cable connection and I can't seem hook any secondarys .. This all started when i installed my router before than I had no problems up/dl. If anyone has any suggestions let me know i'm willing to start at the beginning Again lol.
Thanks Guys n Gals Keep Up the Great Work!!

Offline Me Here

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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #72 on: November 15, 2005, 09:37:52 am »
Ok Tigress

First thing we have to do is make sure that your new router has a rule that allows WinMX for a TCP connection on port 6699 (if that is what is set in your WinMX Settings) and a seperate rule for your UDP on port 6257, again if that matches MX.

If dont have these already set up you can find a help guide to those here:

Getting Started Forwarding Ports in the Router

If you have set ports already then just run through and make sure that the rules are set up correctly.  Its easy to make a minor mistake and have your self running in circles trying to fix it.

Make sure then also that you XP has those same ports set in it.  
XP Firewall SP2

You metioned the assigned ports so if these are already done then forgive me, but the XP firewall and the router are the two main reasons someone has troubles with uploads or downloads..

Last main thing to check is if you have Norton 2005 you will need to allow the WinMX in the Worm Protection

Options > Internet Worm Protection > Control Programs .. add WinMX to the list and give 'Permit All' access..

Let me know if this helps ya, and if not we can start looking at other areas to check for you ..


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Re: Some luck allowing uploads
« Reply #73 on: November 20, 2005, 01:29:58 am »
Thanks, me here, for the information.  Networking dude I aint  :?  My firewall and router (Linksys) seem to have no trouble running some P2P stuff with the same port handling UDP and TCP traffic.  Anyhow, running WinMX this was allows uploads and downloads, searches.  Chat sorta kills it, as does someone browsing my files or me browsing someone's file (queued items start timing out if I don't close the browse window in time).  If I run a separate UDP and TCP port (as intended), uploads never work.  I guess it could be the Cox Uckers  :shock:  I'm connected to.


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ports my cable isp does not block
« Reply #74 on: November 23, 2005, 04:48:17 am »
I am a customer of an ISP (Rogers in Toronto Canada) that is widely reputed to block p2p traffic by packet inspection. I found good info in the slyck forums. They talked about cable ISPs not blocking port 1720 cuz they use it for home voip services.  So, needing another port, I tried port 39 (reserved for  "rlp" - Resource Location Protocol) and am happily back up and running, both uploads and downloads.

In short, I set:
IN/OUT ports to Listen on 1720 for TCP
and send and receive on port 39  for UDP.
and I was uploading and downloading for the first time in weeks.

No guarantees, but it worked for me!


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Slow uploads
« Reply #75 on: November 26, 2005, 02:36:13 am »

  Am having problems with my uploads, going very slow and timing out, but at times for short periods they do pick up a bit.
  Am on a secondary connection(not enough bandwidth for primary) router/modem is D-Link G604T, connection is 256/128, running windows XP, no firewall on pc, windows firewall not activated and pretty sure the routers firewall is set ok.
  Any help would be good, I share my connection but still the same when i'm the only one using the internet, have mx going all the time and would love to fix this problem, know my ups cant be too fast but can be better.
  Am sorry to all people downloading from me lately but am trying to fix it.


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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #76 on: November 26, 2005, 03:03:32 am »
Try reducing the throttle process interval in settings on the bandwith throttle page.. might help
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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #77 on: November 26, 2005, 05:04:59 am »
You need to go into the router setup and create a custom port forwarding rule for winmx then add the rule to forward to your pc's lan ip if you haven't already done so. There is help on how to do this here


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D/L's rarely connect
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2005, 05:20:13 am »
I have had a longtime problem (pre-crash) with getting certain d/ls to initialize.  Oddly enough, multiple users is often a curse, as are particularly more current, presumably popular song files.  Older, more obscure files with maybe 2 or 3, at most, users always seem the most successful.  I would presume this would be because of increased flooding among newer tracks, but I am currently using the 1.9 patch fix (WinMX v3.54 beta 4), which supposedly blocks out the flooders, and still have this problem.

I have also begun getting 'no route to host.'  Only thing I've done before that was d/l PG2, but since I've later read it shouldn't be necessary, have stopped running it.  Still, I'm getting that connection failure (that may be a simple reboot issue, though).  I had also adjusted my bandwidth throttle according to the test on the WinMX World pages.

Anyway, I'm running WinXP, SP2.  The XP firewall is disabled, as I'm running McAfee firewall, but since I CAN d/l some files, I presume it's not the firewall.  No router, or any other issues along those lines I can think of.  Should have plenty of disk space, memory, processor for everything.  

So the question(s)...2 parts --
1) If the offending RIAA ISPs are blocked, should their allowed flooded files appear in searches?  If so, any idea on why I continue to experience this problem?  And what to do about it?

and 2) Has the 'no route to host' problem seen resolution, or is it a mystery?  I will remove PG2 and see if it still poses the same problem after my next reboot, but if somebody knows something concrete, no need to wait until then!

Thanks for your help and patience, as I imagine this is probably a rehash of another question asked 100 times already.

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Download and Upload issues
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2005, 09:40:49 am »
Hi Hoser,

I would say that I am alomst certain that the flooding is causing your problems.  Its important to understand the nature a bit and for a better explanation you can find that here:

Basically if your using our patch, peerguardian, or other means to block them your keeping them off of your[/i] conncetion.  Unfortunately there are thousands of primary users that are not using any form of blocking or incomplete lists.  This is how they can still upload these lists into the WinMX Networks.  Because asking for a file list in a search is asking the network, the primaries your networked with, to send lists from other primaries and secondaries.  There fore until we can get nearly all of the primaries to use protection with our added flooders IP list the riaa still has ways to get onto this network and upload those files.

The long and short of it is this, if you add the search filter -user to your searches as illistrated in that link above, this will eleminate nearly 100% of the fakes for you.  This not only improves your searches and downloads but also helps to protect primary users that dont have protection from loosing connections due to DOS attacks as a result of those lists loading as such high speeds and massive amounts.

Give that filter a try and let me know if you still have problems or questions.

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